- endorsee

However , the endorsee may not negotiate the rights on the bill by endorsement .
The endorsee may exercise the rights on the bill when exercising his right of pledge according to law .
" Bearer " means the possession of bills of exchange or promissory notes of the payee or endorsee or bearer ;
The blank did not identify the endorsee , so endorsement of the bill as paid and the bearer of the bill .
The provisions of this Act relating to the payee , mutatis mutandis , also applies to the special endorsement of the endorsee .
As the endorsee is not recorded in the blank endorsement , the bearer is considered as the person in power of the bill .
The statutory guarantee responsibility for the endorsee assumed by the endorser should be expressly defined which may be subject to some limitations of the parties ' agreement .
If the restricted endorsement re-transfer of authority , then all subsequent endorsee right hand rights and assume the obligations and limitations of the first endorsee endorsement of the same .
When hidden guaranty endorsement composes turning round endorsement in form , the endorsee can ask the successor as endorser to undertake the bill duty for the cause of existing guaranty relation .
Article 30 The name of endorsee shall be specified when a bill of exchange is endorsed to negotiate or when the exercise of certain part of the rights thereon is endorsed to another .
In non - transferable endorsement , we should distinguish explicit or tacit approval thus define the effect of transferable endorsement taking by procuration endorsee , the transferable endorsement taking by impawn endorsee should not occur the efficacy in Commercial Instrument Law .