
The third part makes brief comment on auditing market , forms a environmental and overall recognition .
Audit Firm Size , Audit Quality and Market Reaction & Evidence from China 's security audit market
Chapter four studies the regulation of auditor switch . Key Points on Selection of Four - pole Switch
Chapter 3 gives detailed reasons to China 's securities market that lacks high-quality audit services in present stage .
However , while China 's capital market is developing fast , financial fraud and related audit failures raise the question on how to protect the investors ' interests on China 's stock audit market .
The paper reviewed related literature , analyze the supply and demand 's present situation of audit fees and interrelationship of audit fees and audit quality in the audit securities market . This paper mainly establishes two empirical models .
While in china , the auditing of the security market starts much later and the study of the auditor changes has begun since 2000.Relevant data indicates that there are an increasing number of listed companies that change their auditors in recent years .
But also it contributes to finding the difference between our country 's auditing market and the developed country 's. This has positive and important impetus to develop our country 's security auditing market , standardize market operation and meet internationalized trends of accounting serve .
In the west , research on auditor changes has a history of over 40 years and has achieved comprehensive achievements while in China , the auditing of the security market starts much later and the study of the auditor changes begins only in recent three or four years .
Because our security market is still in developing , old problems exist and new problems come out at the same time , for example , the audit price brokerage , the non-audit service , pricing alliance etc. these problems have important influences on audit quality and market structure .