
  1. 证券发行行为实质上是证券市场参与主体进行一系列行为的源头。

    The issuance of securities involved in stock market behavior is essentially the main source of a series of acts .

  2. 对于符合私募证券的发行行为,SEC就豁免其发行的注册义务,官方几乎不再对私募证券进行监管,以方便融资。

    To meet the release behavior of private securities , the SEC will release its registration obligations , almost no longer official on private equity securities regulation , to facilitate the financing .

  3. 论证券发行信息公开行为的法律性质及其民事责任

    On the Legal Nature of Information Publication in Security Offering and its Civil Responsibility

  4. 美国关于注册豁免制度,为我国完善证券私募发行监管行为,提供了一个有利的参考模板。

    Us about the registration system of exemption , for our country to perfect securities private offering behavior , provides a useful reference template .

  5. 第一条为了规范证券发行和交易行为,保护投资者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序和社会公共利益,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制定本法。

    Article I. The formulation of this law aims to regulate stock issuance and transactions , to protect investors ' legitimate rights and interests , to safeguard economic order and public interests of the society , and to enhance the development of the socialist market economy .

  6. 依照本法对证券发行、交易违法行为没收的违法所得和罚款,全部上缴国库。

    All the illegitimate incomes and fines lawfully confiscated and collected from issuing and trading securities against the law shall be delivered to the national treasury .

  7. 五是明确住房抵押贷款支持证券的证券属性,完善住房抵押贷款支持证券发行监管,和制定投资者权利保护的法规,达到规制住房抵押贷款支持证券发行行为。

    Fifthly , to define Residential Mortgage-backed Securities ' securitization properly , to improve the regulation of Residential Mortgage-backed Securities ' issuing , to formulate laws and regulations to protect the rights of investors , and therefore to regulate the issue behavior of Residential Mortgage-backed Securities .

  8. 住房抵押贷款证券化是由一系列行为组成的,主要包括住房抵押贷款发放、住房抵押贷款转让、信用评级、信用增级和住房抵押贷款支持证券发行五个行为。

    Mortgage-backed Securitization is composed of a series of behaviors , mainly includes Mortgage-backed Securitization ' loan origination , loan transfer , credit rating , credit enhancement and securities issue five behaviors .