
  • 网络securities regulators
  1. 本文认为,我国证券监管机构会借助IPO遴选管制权对上市公司的业绩变脸情况进行控制。

    This paper argues that Chinese securities regulators use the IPO resource allocation rights to control the deterioration of financial performance .

  2. 中国股市的暴涨已令中国证券监管机构十分不安,甚至也引起了部分通过首次公开招股(IPO)筹集资金的企业的忧虑。

    The dramatic rise in equity valuations has unsettled China 's securities regulators and even some companies raising funds via IPOs .

  3. 英国、日本和美国的证券监管机构均参与了此次调查,此外还有英国公平交易办公室(OfficeofFairTrading)。

    Securities regulators in the UK , Japan and the US are all participating in the investigation , as is the UK Office of Fair Trading .

  4. 昨日公布的法规草案将上市企业公司债的监管权从发改委转移到了更开明的证券监管机构中国证券监督管理委员会(chinasecuritiesregulatorycommission)手中。

    Draft rules published yesterday transfer regulatory control over corporate bonds issued by publicly-listed companies from the NDRC to the more liberal securities regulator , the China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  5. 徐女士指责证券监管机构批准了太多的首次公开发行(IPO),分流了市场对现有股票的需求。

    Ms Xu blames the securities regulator for approving too many initial public offerings , siphoning demand away from existing shares .

  6. 据中国证券监管机构称,包括渣打银行(StandardChartered)和东亚银行(BankofEastAsia)在内的其他外资银行也已申请获得销售国内基金的牌照。

    According to the local securities regulator , other foreign banks including Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia have also applied for a licence to sell local mutual funds .

  7. 中国证券监管机构本月结束了7月中国股市戏剧性暴跌期间采取的IPO审批冻结措施。

    The securities regulator this month ended a freeze on IPO approvals implemented during the Chinese stock market 's dramatic tumble in July .

  8. 在恢复IPO之前,证券监管机构很可能将认真反思未来IPO的步伐和规模,汇丰(HSBC)称。

    Before resuming IPOs , it is likely that the securities regulator will carefully reconsider the future pace and size of IPOs , HSBC said .

  9. 昨日,美国证券监管机构对得克萨斯州亿万富商罗伯特•艾伦•斯坦福爵士(SirRobertAllenStanford)提出指控,罪名是通过其总部设在安提瓜的离岸银行从事大规模正在进行中的欺诈行为。

    US securities regulators yesterday charged Sir Robert Allen Stanford , the billionaire Texan businessman , with a massive , ongoing fraud through his Antigua-based offshore bank .

  10. 中国证券监管机构将解除实行了10个月之久的首次公开发行(ipo)禁令,这个消息让西方投资银行家们打起精神,整整自己的领带。

    News that the Chinese securities regulator is set to lift a ten-month ban on initial public offerings has got western investment bankers sitting up straight and adjusting their ties .

  11. 在暂停9个月后,中国证券监管机构正准备在内地股市放开一波首次公开发行(IPO),但到目前为止,投资者仍对这一前景持乐观态度。

    China 's securities regulators are gearing up to unleash a wave of initial public offerings on to mainland markets after a nine-month drought , but so far investors remain sanguine at the prospect .

  12. 美国清洁能源领域昔日的明星公司美国超导公司(americansuperconductor)再一次错过了向证券监管机构递交年度报告的最后期限,因为该公司难以评估与其最大客户之间的纠纷可能带来的影响。

    American superconductor , a former star of the US clean energy sector , has missed a second deadline for filing its annual report to the securities regulator as it struggles to assess the impact of problems with its largest customer .

  13. 中国证券监管机构已下令一家国有电力集团取消其与高盛(GoldmanSachs)一家子公司签署的石油衍生品合约。若油价继续下跌,这些合约将使这家中国企业遭受损失。

    China 's securities regulator has ordered a state-owned power group to cancel oil derivatives contracts it signed with a Goldman Sachs subsidiary which would have exposed the Chinese company to losses if oil prices continued to fall .

  14. 去年,法国证券监管机构金融市场管理局(AMF)对LVMH处以罚款,原因是未能恰当披露收购爱马仕股份的情况。

    Last year , the French stock market regulator , Autorit é des march é s financiers , fined LVMH for failing to properly disclose it was buying a stake in Herm è s.

  15. 就在银监会这一举措之前,周三晚上中国证券监管机构证监会(CSRC)还曾出台新规定,禁止持股比例在5%以上的投资者减持股票。

    That came on the heels of a new rule imposed late on Wednesday by the securities regulator banning investors with shareholdings of more than 5 per cent in a company from selling shares .

  16. 投资者去年曾以为,美中之间的纠纷有望解决,因为美国上市公司会计监督委员会(PCAOB)和中国证券监管机构签署了一份谅解备忘录。

    Investors had thought the dispute between the US and China was on the way to being settled last year , after the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board ( PCAOB ) and the China securities regulator had signed a memorandum of understanding .

  17. ACGA的报告建立在该协会会员反馈的基础上,这些会员包括全球机构投资者和印度本地的市场参与者。报告将提交给印度证券监管机构、证交所和政府官员。

    The report , which will be presented to India 's securities regulator and stock exchange and government officials , is based on feedback from association members , which include global institutional investors and local market participants .

  18. 证券监管机构与基金管理者的进化博弈分析

    Evolutionary game analysis of stock market supervisor and fund managers

  19. 证券监管机构可以通过资格控制等手段调整保荐人的供给行为;

    The governing body of security can affect the supply market of sponsor by means of qualifications control ;

  20. 证券监管机构多次警告称,券商应当控制保证金贷款的风险。此类贷款已出现爆炸性增长。

    The securities regulator has repeatedly warned that brokers should control risk from margin lending , which has exploded .

  21. 这些担忧促使中国央行和最高证券监管机构加大了对信贷风险的监控力度。

    These concerns have prompted China 's central bank and its top securities regulator to step up credit-risk monitoring .

  22. 证券监管机构对证券市场的监督管理,是依法行政的重要组成部分。

    The regulatory powers of the securities regulatory authority is an important part of governmental administrative operation under law .

  23. 股市违规现象不断上升,中国证券监管机构承诺对重大股市违规行为加大处罚力度。

    China 's securities regulator has pledged to intensify punishment for severe stock market violations amid rising such offences .

  24. 配股资格的获得是以盈利指标达到证券监管机构设置的标准为条件。

    In order to obtain the qualification of issuing new shares , surplus index has to meet the standard of CSRC .

  25. 2012年,中国证券监管机构启动了垃圾债市场,官方把垃圾债称为中小企业私募债券。

    China 's securities regulator launched a junk bond market in 2012 , officially called small and medium-sized enterprise private-placement bonds .

  26. “中国最高证券监管机构正在审阅瑞银集团在合资证券公司中持有多数股权的申请。

    China 's leading securities watchdog is reviewing an application by UBS for a majority shareholding in a joint-venture securities brokerage firm .

  27. 涨跌停制度是证券监管机构为了抑制资产价格过渡波动,维护资本市场稳定运行常见的监管措施。

    Price Limits is a kind of regulatory measures used by regulators for curbing excessive fluctuations and maintaining the capital market stabilizing .

  28. 令人意想不到的是,香港证券监管机构在去年晚些时候指控香橼公司发布有关恒大集团的虚假及误导性信息。

    In a twist , Hong Kong 's securities regulator late last year accused Citron of publishing false and misleading information about Evergrande .

  29. 借助该指标体系,政府、证券监管机构、公司或投资者均可对目标公司董事会治理状况进行具体的量化测评,为加强管理和提高投资效果提供指导。

    Constructed the efficiency assessment index system and frame of board of directors , which offers guidance for government , securities regulator and investor .

  30. 当中国的证券监管机构在周末期间公布新股发行新规时,它试图终结中国股市过去十年中表现不佳的局面。

    When it announced new stock listing rules over the weekend , the Chinese securities regulator was trying to end a decade of underachievement .