
  • 网络securities regulation;Securities supervision
  1. 证券监管效率和承销商声誉基于南方证券麦科特事件的案例研究主承销商声誉与IPO抑价率基于中国A股市场的证据

    The Efficiency of Securities Supervision , and Underwriters ' Reputation Underwriter Reputation and IPO Underpricing as Evidenced from Chinese A Shares Stock Market

  2. 论我国证券监管体系目前存在的问题及对策

    The existing problems and countermeasures in the current securities supervision system

  3. 本文认为,考虑到中国IPO市场的特殊背景,承销商声誉的形成高度依赖于证券监管力量。

    Reputation of underwriters at China IPO market depends highly on the strength of securities regulation .

  4. 周一当天,一些证券监管专家对于库克写给克拉默的电子邮件提出了疑问,因为这样做或许违反了美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission,简称SEC)的公平披露规则。

    On Monday , some regulatory experts raised concerns about whether Mr. Cook 's email to Mr. Cramer had violated the Securities and Exchange Commission 's fair disclosure regulations .

  5. 在证券监管部门评价上市公司的经营业绩时也常常将净资产收益率(ROE)等财务指标作为主要的参考标准。

    At the same time regulators depend largely on such financial index as ROE to assess operating performance of listed companies .

  6. 但是在新形势下&经济结构不断调整、网络信息技术迅猛进步、金融全球化、我国加入WTO等等,我国证券监管需要总结的地方很多,任重而道远。

    However , under the situations of economic restructuring , financial globalization , China 's WTO entry and information technology progressing , China has still a long way to go to fulfill the tough task of further perfecting its securities regulation system .

  7. 2002年下半年以来,我国证券监管部门开始展开在我国证券市场引入外国合格机构投资者(QFII)的讨论,QFII制度大有山雨欲来风满楼之势。

    Since the third quarter of 2002 , our securities department begins to discuss introducing QFII to our A stock market . It seems that QFII is just before the threshold .

  8. 去年,法国证券监管机构金融市场管理局(AMF)对LVMH处以罚款,原因是未能恰当披露收购爱马仕股份的情况。

    Last year , the French stock market regulator , Autorit é des march é s financiers , fined LVMH for failing to properly disclose it was buying a stake in Herm è s.

  9. 就在银监会这一举措之前,周三晚上中国证券监管机构证监会(CSRC)还曾出台新规定,禁止持股比例在5%以上的投资者减持股票。

    That came on the heels of a new rule imposed late on Wednesday by the securities regulator banning investors with shareholdings of more than 5 per cent in a company from selling shares .

  10. 最后,本文为投资者及其他利益相关者有效解读批发与零售贸易行业上市公司披露的MDA信息提出了相关建议,并且为证券监管部门对分行业制定MDA信息披露的要求提供了相应的参考。

    Finally , this article is provided with forward related suggestions as the investors and other stakeholders ' perspective information of listed company , and is provided with corresponding reference to develop the MD & A disclosure requirements for the securities regulatory departments in the wholesale and retail trade industry .

  11. ACGA的报告建立在该协会会员反馈的基础上,这些会员包括全球机构投资者和印度本地的市场参与者。报告将提交给印度证券监管机构、证交所和政府官员。

    The report , which will be presented to India 's securities regulator and stock exchange and government officials , is based on feedback from association members , which include global institutional investors and local market participants .

  12. 技术时代的不确定性与美国证券监管的未来

    Future of US Securities Regulation in an Age of Technological Uncertainty

  13. 中国证券监管制度效率分析

    An Analysis on the Efficiency of China 's Securities Regulatory Institutions

  14. 我国证券监管体制的发展与完善

    Development and Perfection of Stock Monitor and Management System in China

  15. 证券监管机构与基金管理者的进化博弈分析

    Evolutionary game analysis of stock market supervisor and fund managers

  16. 首先界定了证券监管的概念,然后总结了目前证券监管理论的研究现状。

    First , it defines the concept of securities regulation .

  17. 证券监管:概念与目标的历史溯源

    Securities regulation and supervision : history of concept and goal

  18. 中美证券监管理念比较

    Comparision on the Stock Supervision Ideas between Chinese and American

  19. 证券监管体制是证券法律制度的核心。

    The supervision system of security is the key to security law .

  20. 多元利益导向的证券监管制度与投资者保护

    The Multi - interests Securities Regulation and Protection of Investors

  21. 基于战略管理的我国证券监管分析

    Analysis of Stock Market Supervision Based on Strategic Management

  22. 论美英证券监管体制之新发展

    On Development of the Securities Supervision System in the USA and the UK

  23. 政府干预理论:证券监管的必要性和适度性

    The Theory of Governmental Intervention : the Necessities and Moderation of Securities Supervision

  24. 其次,要规范我国证券监管权的行使理念。

    Thirdly , we should standardize the security supervision right of our country .

  25. 证券监管国际合作的核心是信息共享,因为信息不对称是国际化的证券市场存在的主要问题。

    Information sharing is the core of international regulatory cooperation on securities markets .

  26. 国际证券监管法律问题研究

    Research on the Laws of International Securities Regulation

  27. 证券监管模式的设计住房保障实施路径选择

    The selection of pattern on the security control

  28. 美国证券监管制度研究

    Study of the Institution of American Securities Supervision

  29. 中国证券监管的法治化追求

    The Pursuit Toward Legalization Of China Securities Regulation

  30. 论证券监管法律制度的基本原则

    Fundamental principles of Security Supervision Legal System