
  • 网络self-regulating organisation;self-regulatory organisation;self-regulatory organisation,self-regulating organisation
  1. 1.迫使华尔街自律监管机构&美国金融业监管局(FinancialIndustryRegulatoryAuthority,以下简称FINRA)公开账簿和记录。

    Compel the wall street self-regulator FINRA ( financial industry regulatory authority ) to open its books and records .

  2. 从需求面角度,应通过加强金融机构自律监管和金融机构透明度建设、推行功能化监管方式等措施来防范;

    From aspect of " demand range ", we should strengthen financial institution supervision to contain by oneself and financial institution transparency construction , pursue functional regulation and supervision to keep a lookout ;

  3. 只有当一家合资企业在市场上自律运营时,监管机构才能行使合并管制管辖权。

    Only when a JV operates autonomously in the marketplace can authorities claim jurisdiction under merger control .