
  • 网络automatic transmission;AMT;A/T;DCT;ECT
  1. 汽车自动变速器数据采集及故障诊断系统设计

    Design of Data Acquisition Analysis and Failure Diagnosis System for Vehicle AMT

  2. 自动变速器的市场在世界范围内不断的扩大。

    The market of AMT becomes larger and larger .

  3. 这辆车装配了自动变速器。

    The car was fitted with automatic transmission .

  4. 基于ADAMS的双蹄块式自动变速器仿真研究

    Dynamic Characteristics Simulation of Dual Shoe-type Automatic Transmission Based on ADAMS

  5. 汽车新型六速自动变速器的CAE分析研究

    CAE Analysis and Study on a New Automotive Six-speed Automatic Transmission

  6. 基于DSP的液力自动变速器ECU的硬件设计

    DSP-based Automatic Transmission ECU Hardware Design

  7. 6档自动变速器和CVT对燃油经济性的贡献

    Six-Speed Automatic Transmissions and CVT ′ s to Support Fuel Economy

  8. 一种新型电液伺服系统在机械自动变速器(AMT)中的应用研究

    Research on a New Electric and Hydraulic Servo System Used in AMT

  9. 机械自动变速器(AMT)换档规律的研究

    A Study on the Shifting Strategy of Automated Manual Transmission

  10. 电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)的离合器控制是AMT开发中的一项关键技术。

    Clutch control is a key technology for AMT development .

  11. 基于CCP的机械自动变速器控制单元标定系统

    CCP Based Calibration System of Automated Manual Transmission Control Units

  12. 机械式自动变速器(AMT)电控系统的诊断

    Diagnosis of Electronical Control System of Automatic Mechanical Transmission

  13. 自动变速器一般采用两参数(发动机油门开度α和车速v)控制的换档规律。

    So far , the shift schedule of typical Automatic transmission is controlled by 2-parameter , i.e. the throttle position a and automobile speed v.

  14. BMW轿车五档自动变速器

    BMW 5 & Speed Automatic Transmission

  15. 电喷发动机、自动变速器、ABS等汽车新结构的维修具有与原来维修方法不同的途径。

    The maintenance of such new devices as electronically-sprayed engines , automatic transmission , and ABS is different from that of the old devices .

  16. 帕萨特B5轿车电路&自动变速器控制系统(Ⅰ)

    Circuitry of PASSAT B5 : Automatic Transmission Control System (ⅰ)

  17. 基于ANFIS的汽车自动变速器换档规律的决策判断

    Vehicle Shift Decision Based On ANFIS

  18. 当前变速器领域的焦点是双离合自动变速器(DCT),研究它的关键技术是双离合器的控制系统。

    Dual-clutch automatic transmission is the focus of the transmission field . The key technologies of study DCT system is double clutch control .

  19. 从提高传动效率和节能的角度出发,提出用PLC(可编程序控制器)和HMI(人机界面)控制电液自动变速器(4D180型)的全新控制方案。

    In view of saving energy and enhancing transmission efficiency , a new PLC and HMI based shift control to4D180 hydraulic torque converter is proposed .

  20. 本文首先介绍了电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)的发展概况、控制原理、控制装置组成、液压执行机构;

    The paper firstly introduces AMT development summarization , control principle , control equipment composing , and hydraulic execution organization ;

  21. 该型谱和基于矩阵与MATLAB的传动分析方法,为研究复杂行星齿轮机构和设计汽车自动变速器提供了新的途径。

    The type spectrum and the method based on the matrix and MATLAB offers new approaches to the research of the complex planetary gear transmission and the design of the automatic transmission .

  22. 现代轿车自动变速器技术分析电磁场数值模拟TLM算法及其应用

    Technical Analysis of Current Automatic Transmission Transmission Line Matrix Method and its Applications

  23. 通过CIVIC轿车自动变速器故障的维修实例,介绍了液压控制锁定系统,阀体的结构、原理,以及自动变速器的基本检查、维修方法。

    This paper gives an account of the hydraulic control locking system and the valve structure . The basic inspection and maintenance methods are mentioned .

  24. 详细论述了一个用于机械式自动变速器(AMT)控制系统的解析冗余故障诊断方法。

    The paper stated in detail an analytical redundancy fault diagnosis method of automated mechanical transmission ( AMT ) control system .

  25. AMT(电控机械式自动变速器)具有传动效率高、制造成本低等一系列优点,具有良好的应用前景。

    AMT ( Automated Mechanical Transmission ) with high transmission efficiency , low manufacturing costs , a series of advantages , with good prospects .

  26. 发动机转速控制是电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)控制系统的重要组成部分,与换档品质和离合器控制有密切关系。

    The control of engine rotational speed is an important part of AMT system and has close relation with shift quality and clutch control .

  27. 机械式自动变速器为非动力换挡,换挡品质是AMT换挡控制的关键。

    The gearshift of an automated mechanical transmission is performed by cutting off the power . The key to the gearshift of AMT is shift quality .

  28. 针对轿车自动变速器电子控制单元所需的外围参数,模拟ECU工作时所需的汽车行驶环境,研制开发自动变速器电子控制器测试仿真台。

    According to the peripheral parameter for automatic transmission ECU working , we simulate the road environment , research and develop the testing Simulative system of automatic transmission ECU .

  29. 自动变速器ECU是进行自动换档关键部分,能否正常工作直接影响到换档品质、驾驶舒适性。

    Automatic transmission ECU ( Electronic Control Unit ) is the key of shifting automatically . It directly influences the shift quality and the driving amenity whether ECU can work normally .

  30. 针对四轮驱动越野车提出了一种基于金属带式无级自动变速器(CVT)的混联式结构,其动力切换平稳性是这种混联式电动汽车必须解决的关键技术之一。

    A parallel-series scheme with metal-belt continuously variable transmission ( CVT ) for a 4WD sports utility electric vehicle is proposed with its structure , driving modes and power switching studied in-depth .