
  • 网络small-displacement cars
  1. 随着新车型特别是福特(Ford)、通用(GeneralMotors)和现代(Hyundai)新车上市,小排量汽车如今越来越流行,也越来越具有竞争优势。

    As new models roll out - – especially from Ford ( f ) , General Motors ( GM ) and Hyundai & the category is gaining in popularity and competitiveness .

  2. 降低小排量汽车购置税的计划可能有利于吉利(geely)等汽车制造商。

    The proposed sales tax cut on smaller vehicles could help automakers such as Geely , one of the largest Chinese car companies .

  3. 对中国两家炼油企业中石化(Sinopec)和中石油(PetroChina)来说,这是绝对利好的消息,同时这也将提高排放较低的小排量汽车的销售。

    This is absolutely good news for Sinopec and PetroChina [ China 's two oil refiners ] and it will also promote the sale of compact cars with low emissions .

  4. 个人立场:开小排量汽车,使用节能灯泡,并表示他消耗的能源大概比华盛顿那些开着梅赛德斯(Mercedes)的气候变化激进主义分子要少。

    Personal stance : Drives a small car , uses energy-saving lightbulbs and says he probably uses less energy than the climate change activists in Washington with their Mercedes .

  5. 加入本文设计的具有故障自诊断功能的小排量汽车的EPS控制系统,能够对故障信息进行有效的辨识、处理及报警,及时切断错误助力并点亮故障警示灯。

    This design , based on the low-emission vehicle control system EPS , can realize the fault information identification , alarm and cut off the error current in time and light the fault warning light .

  6. 小排量汽车何时迎来春天?

    When can compact car with small swept volume welcome in spring ?

  7. 小排量汽车开出禁区以后&关于汽车产业可持续发展的论争

    The Prospect analysis for small displacement automobile after which opens the forbidden area

  8. 小排量汽车:我们走在大路上

    SMALL Displacement Automobiles : Riding on the Way

  9. 而一些批评人士则表示小排量汽车根本不需要倒车摄像头。

    And some critics say smaller vehicles like roasters or smartcars simply don 't need them .

  10. 大多数小排量汽车都采用四缸发动机,以满足燃料经济性标准。

    Small cars in most cases come powered with four-cylinder engines that are tuned for fuel efficiency .

  11. 但在几年前尝试了小排量汽车后,中国消费者开始转向售价更高的汽车。

    But , after flirting with smaller vehicles a few years ago , Chinese consumers are trading up .

  12. 欧洲已经设法通过高燃油税、小排量汽车和有效的公共运输来减少石油消耗量。

    Europe has managed to reduce oil consumption through high gasoline taxes , small cars and efficient public transportation .

  13. 采取了一些相当直接的措施(对小排量汽车下调购置税并提供补贴)后,汽车销量急速上升。

    Some pretty blunt instruments later tax cuts and subsidies for smaller vehicles and autos are flying off the forecourts .

  14. 2008年3月,中央政府将小排量汽车的购置税由10%降低至5%。

    In March , 2008 the central government cut taxes on these small cars to 5 % from 10 % .

  15. 他们指出,政府出台了多项一次性的鼓励消费措施,包括向农村居民提供补贴,鼓励他们购买“白色家电”,以及减免小排量汽车的购置税。

    Rural people have been offered subsidies to buy " white goods ", and taxes on small cars have been cut .

  16. 但是,汽车制造企业近来终于打破了对重型汽车的依赖,开始着力打造舒适、豪华,同时对消费者具有吸引力的小排量汽车。

    Automakers are finally breaking their dependence on heavier models and managing to create comfortable , luxurious small cars consumers actually find appealing .

  17. 此外,其他国家生产的一些被称为微型车的超小排量汽车也属于小排量汽车之列,它们也吸引了原本钟情于大排量汽车的消费者。

    A number of new Subcompacts known as microcars overseas is also adding to the small-car category and drawing shoppers from larger vehicles .

  18. 换言之,小排量汽车销量占所有汽车总销量的三分之一,是唯一一个实现销售增长的类别。

    In other words , small cars , accounting for a third of all car sales , were the only category to gain share .

  19. 不过,一旦汽油价格出现下降,消费者可能会再次选择动力强劲的大排量汽车,而小排量汽车势必将砸在汽车厂商手里。

    Should the opposite happen , consumers may once again seek big and powerful transportation , leaving automakers with lots of little flivvers on hand .

  20. 预计销量受到了季节性因素的推动,包括中国农历春节假期和小排量汽车减税政策。

    They are expected to have been boosted by seasonal factors , including the Chinese New Year holiday and a cut in tax rates for small vehicles .

  21. 中国想要的是排量更小、能耗更低的汽车,并在今年推出了减税和补贴政策,大幅提升了更环保的小排量汽车的销量。

    China wants smaller , more efficient cars , and has provided tax breaks and subsidies this year that have dramatically boosted sales of greener , smaller vehicles .

  22. 另外,普及小排量汽车和适当提高柴油车的比例,可分别实现5%的节能目标。

    On the other hand , wider-spread use of small-displacement vehicles and the rise in the proportion of diesel cars will save energy by an additional 5 % .

  23. 当看到黄灯时,如果小排量汽车司机刹车了,而后面的大车还在行驶就可能造成碰撞。

    If drivers of small cars have to brake when they see a yellow light and bigger vehicles behind them are still moving , the likelihood is a collision .

  24. 行业数据显示,微型和超小型汽车的销售量去年几乎持平,而小排量汽车的销量下降了逾20%。

    According to industry figures , sales of micro and subcompact cars were almost flat last year , while sales of small-engined vehicles fell by more than 20 per cent .

  25. 油价的上调,让更多的消费者开始趋向购买小排量汽车,也有不少市民将目光投向了新能源汽车。

    With the surge in oil price , more and more consumers are now tending to buy small cars whereas quite a few citizens are now putting their eyes on new-energy cars .

  26. 消费者有权自主选择他们中意的车型,但是为了与联邦政府制定的燃料经济性标准保持一致,汽车制造企业必须推出优惠措施,才能销售足够数量的小排量汽车,提高燃料经济性的平均数据。

    Consumers will buy what they wish , but to comply with federal standards the automakers must create incentives so they can sell enough small models to keep the fuel economy average high .

  27. 减半征收小排量汽车购置税,减免住房交易相关税收,支持自住性住房消费。

    We halved the purchase tax on small-displacement automobiles . We reduced or exempted taxes on buying and selling homes to support the purchase of homes to be used as their owners ' residences .

  28. 在中国新一代汽车制造商中,有些厂商一直依赖于市场中最廉价车型的旺销,小排量汽车需求放缓,是它们面临的一个挫折。

    The slowdown in demand for small cars is a setback for some of the new generation of Chinese carmakers that had been relying on heavy sales at the cheapest end of the market .

  29. 6至8月期间销量同比下降。但10月份出台了针对小排量汽车的减税措施,提振了销量,使2015年全年销量增长4.7%。

    Sales dropped year on year from June to August , before a tax cut for small-engine vehicles in October propped up sales to finish 2015 with a growth rate of 4.7 per cent year-on-year .

  30. 文章从做好小排量汽车的研发和生产、搞好节油技术、推出高吨位重卡的新品及加快自主品牌建设等方面提出应对措施。

    Suggestions are given in this paper from many aspects such as R & D and production of small exhaust automobiles , developing fuel-saving technique , producing high tonnage heavy duty trucks and developing self-owned brands .