
xiǎo pī shēng chǎn
  • small-scale production;small serial production;ascertainable production
小批生产[xiǎo pī shēng chǎn]
  1. 单间及小批生产条件下生产的产品约占在全世界产品总量的70%,中国也不例外。

    The products of single pieces of small serial production occupy about 70 % of the products in the whole world , and the condition in China is the same .

  2. 因此建立单件及小批生产条件下车间多目标最佳作业计划的拟定与动态调度监控计算机集成系统对实现整个企业的管理自动化和提高经济效益具有极其重大意义。

    So setting the system that can study out many-goals and optimal scheduling of single pieces of small serial production is important for enterprises to realize the automation of management and improve economic profits .

  3. CIMS环境下大型单件小批生产的质量管理信息系统研究

    The Study of Quality Management Information System for Large-piece OKP Based on CIMS

  4. 单件小批生产模式下的MRP算法改进

    Improved method for material requirement planning in little batch manufacturing mode

  5. 本文由协同产品商务的概念出发,结合对单件小批生产的机械制造企业的调查,对适合此类制造企业的CPC系统进行了设计与应用的研究。

    This paper brings forward a new framework of CPC ( Collaborative Product Commerce ) systems in make-to-order manufacturing enterprise .

  6. 首先,地理条件对生产生活方式产生影响并进而影响及地域文化。单件小批生产模式下的MRP算法改进

    Firstly , it affects the mode of production . Improved method for material requirement planning in little batch manufacturing mode

  7. 因此本文提出了利用Petri网的分析方法与专家系统相结合的思想来减小问题搜索空间,从而有效地解决单件小批生产中的排序问题。

    So an idea of combining the analyzing method of Petri net and the expert system is brought forward to reduce the scale of the research space .

  8. 文章论述了CIMS环境下大型单件小批生产的质量管理信息系统具有的动态集成性、动态分布性、动态扩展性和动态适应性;

    This paper discusses such dynamic characteristics of quality management in-formation system based on CIMS for large - piece OKP as integration , distribution , extension and adaptation .

  9. 介绍了在单件小批生产模式的制造企业中实施CIMS技术时,车间生产管理系统的生产要素建模的一种新方法。

    This paper is involved with a new approach established to create the productive factor model of Shop Production Management System , while CIMS is applied in a manufacturing industry of single-part production mode .

  10. 为此,本文就单件小批生产模式下的MRP系统的研究做了以下的工作:分析物料需求计划系统原理,研究了物料需求计划系统中BOM的设计和建模以及提前期设置柔性化等几个关键技术;

    The efforts of the paper are as follows . Material requirements planning system theory is analyzed and key technologies of MRP system are researched including designing and modeling BOM and lead time flexibility ;

  11. 单件小批生产中NF-CAPP系统的应用

    Development and Application for NF-CAPP System on Single Piece or Small Scale Production

  12. 随着经济形势的转变,单件小批生产已成为现有中小型企业的主要生产方式,如何将MES系统应用到单件小批生产中,已是最具吸引力的研究热点之一。

    With the economic situation changes , single and small batch production of existing small and medium enterprises have become the main mode of production , how to MES system applied to the single and small batch production , is one of the most attractive research focus .

  13. 论文明确了CoES系统是一类大型、复杂且昂贵的、通常单件小批生产的特殊产品,研发与生产没有明确区分。

    CoES is clearly a superior product that it is large , complex and expensive and it is manufactured in single-piece and there is no clear distinction between development and production for CoES .

  14. 面向大型单件小批生产系统的信息模型研究

    Study of production system 's information model based on large-piece OKP

  15. 单件小批生产作业管理系统的优化

    Optimization of Production Task Management System of Single Small Serial Enterprise

  16. 单件小批生产计划管理的模型与算法

    The Model for the Planning Management of Single - Production

  17. 基于单件小批生产模式的车间调度方法研究和系统开发

    Method and System of Workshop Scheduling Based on Small-Batch Production

  18. 适用于小批生产和打板制样生产。

    It is suitable for small-lot production and sample production .

  19. 大型单件小批生产模式下资源平衡问题的一种实用算法

    A Practical Algorithm for the Resource Balancing Problems in Large-Piece OKP Mode

  20. 单件小批生产的网络计划/MRP研究与实现

    Network Planning / MRP Method in Single-Piece and Small-Batch Production

  21. 浅谈单件小批生产企业产品策略

    Discussion on Product Tactics of Single - little Enterprise

  22. 大型单件小批生产的计划与控制模式

    The PPC Mode of Large-Piece OKP

  23. 该公司说,纠纷事件涉及一小批生产线工人和质检人员。

    The company said the incidents involved a small group of production-line workers and quality-check personnel .

  24. 基于单件小批量生产企业的动态随机生产函数单件小批生产企业中协同产品商务系统的应用

    Dynamic Stochastic Production Function of Manufacturing Enterprises under the Condition of Single Unit Job Lot Production

  25. 建立了具有动态响应能力的适用于大型单件小批生产的质量管理信息系统的框架模型,并对各功能模块进行了阐述。

    The frame model with dynamic responding ability is proposed and the different function modules are analyzed .

  26. 随经济环境的变化,生产方式经历了作坊式单件小批生产、大批量生产和多品种中小批量生产的变革。

    With development of economy , the production pattern is changing from mass production to middle and small sized production .

  27. 介绍了在单件小批生产中,不用花键滚刀运用普通三面刃铣刀来加工外花键的原理及步骤。

    This paper introduces the theory and process of individual making of external splines , replacing drum hobbing , with radial cutter .

  28. 本机床用于刨削各种平面和成型面,适于单件和小批生产。

    Being designed for cutting various plane and formed surfaces , the machine is suitable for single piece and small batch production .

  29. 在实施体系中提出了适合单件小批生产的混合物流控制策略和通过建立标准工序库来简化标准作业指导书编写的思想。

    Specifically , mixed logistic controlling system and the idea of predigesting standard task instruction through building up the standard working procedure database are put forward in the implementing system .

  30. 生产过程可分为小批生产,即少量生产,和大批生产,即大量生产同类产品。

    Production processes may be divided into unit production , with small quantities being made , and mass production , with large numbers of the same kind of parts being produced .