
  • 网络License Production;Licensed Production
  1. 深圳嘉乐比公司获授权生产史努比玩具

    Shenzhen Gallop Company got the right to produce snoopy toys

  2. 而目前,只有11家制药公司被授权生产该疫苗。

    So far , only 11 Chinese pharmaceutical companies are licensed to produce it .

  3. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。

    Our pressure vessel is licensed product .

  4. 路透社(11月25日)报道说,埃及将在2010年向5家公司授权生产500万份仿制药。

    Reuters reported ( 25 November ) that Egypt will license five companies to produce five million doses of generic drugs in2010 .

  5. 2008年成为“小破孩”的授权生产商,并在同年开创第一家时尚文化用品连锁店。

    In2008 a " small broken child ," the authorized manufacturers , in the same year to create the first fashion stationery stores .

  6. 早在2003年就与“刀刀狗”形象合作,成为其授权生产商,进入动漫衍生品市场。

    As early as2003 with the " knife dog " image co-operation , as authorized by the manufacturer , into the animation derivatives market .

  7. 商标平行进口是指在国际贸易中,进口商未经本国商标所有权人及商标使用权人许可,从境外进口经合法授权生产的带相同商标的同类商品的行为。

    Parallel import of trademark is , in international trade , a practice of importing of the same kind of legal products bearing the same trademark without permission from the owner and user of the same trademark in his own country .

  8. 在2010年的一篇论文中,武汉大学的孙晋、范舟、秦丽指出,食盐专营意味着,市场上的盐价比中国盐业公司从授权生产商手中收购的价格高出两到三倍。

    In a 2010 paper , Sun Jin , Fan Zhou and Qin Li of Wuhan University noted that the monopoly meant that the price consumers paid for salt was three to four times higher than the price the China National Salt Industry Corporation paid for salt from authorized producers .

  9. 台湾已告知飞利浦(Philips),一家台湾本地企业将停止使用飞利浦的光盘技术,不再根据颇有争议的强制授权进行生产。此举明显是为防止欧盟(EU)将该问题提交至世贸组织(WTO)。

    Taiwan has told Philips that a local company will stop using its compact disc technology under a controversial compulsory licence , in an apparent bid to stop the European Union from taking it to the World Trade Organisation over the matter .

  10. 上个月,Zippo推出了一个休闲服饰系列,产品包括套头衫、棒球帽和牛仔裤,在香港JointBase授权下生产。

    Last month . Zippo introduced a casual-clothing line . including hoodies . ball caps and jeans . made under license by Joint Base Ltd. . Hong Kong .

  11. 刘令华作品艺术刺绣系列刘令华正式授权独家生产和经营的艺术产品。

    The serial of embroideries of Liu Linghua 's works are authorized by Liu Linghua to be produced and managed solely .

  12. WHO授权药品生产商开始测试可能的疫苗。一个月之后,第一批疫苗开始临床使用。

    The WHO authorized drug manufacturers to begin testing possible vaccines , and the first human trials began a month later .

  13. 上列品牌拉头,均为客户注册商标,仅供参考,无授权不得生产及伪冒。

    Some of sliders logo belong to customer'smark , without authorization , It should not be allower to copy , Sliders are for reference only .

  14. 达菲(奥塞米韦)由GileadSciences公司授权罗氏公司生产,与其竞争对手&葛兰素公司的瑞乐莎(Relenza)作用相似,可以减轻感染的严重程度。

    Tamiflu , or oseltamivir , made by Roche under license from Gilead Sciences , can reduce the severity of infection , as can a rival drug , Relenza , made by GlaxoSmithKline .

  15. 此前,该品牌产品是完全授权光明乳业生产的。

    Earlier , the brand products are fully authorized Bright Dairy Corporation production .

  16. 因此我们已得到国内外众多品牌企业的信任与支持并授权开发及生产。

    Therefore , we have many brands of domestic and foreign trust and support and to authorize the development and production .

  17. 第十二条软件产品生产单位所生产的软件产品应是本单位拥有、持有著作权或经过著作权人或其他权利人的授权或许可其生产的软件。

    Article Twevele The producer shall hold or be franchised or licensed the copyright of the software they produce .

  18. 上市公司的所有者授权职业经理人从事生产经营活动,从而使其具有选择会计政策的权力和处置会计信息的先天优势。

    Manager is authorized to do business by the owner of listed company and therefore has the power to choose accounting Poliy and advantage to deal with accounting information .