
  • 网络global production;global manufacturing
  1. SCM(供应链管理)技术出现于信息变革和全球化生产的背景下,具有高灵活性、低成本高收益、准确反映需求等优势。

    Supply Chain Management is formed in the era of information revolution and global manufacturing . SCM has such advantages as high flexibility , low-cost & high-revenue , accuracy of response to customers ' need , etc.

  2. 纵观汽车工业发展历程,先后经历了单件生产、大规模生产、精益生产和全球化生产四个重要阶段。

    Throughout the world auto industry development history , it has gone through four key stages : piece production , mass production , lean production and global manufacturing .

  3. 本来这些吉他都是在密歇根州的卡拉马佐组装的,但现在是全球化生产了。

    Originally , the guitars were constructed in Kalamazoo Michigan , but their current production is a global affair .

  4. 中国企业正以迅猛的趋势融入全球化生产和采购体系,成长为新的“世界工厂”。

    With rapid integration into the global manufacture and purchase network , Chinese enterprises are becoming a new " World Factory " .

  5. 网络经济的兴起使制造环境发生了根本性的改变,使得全球化生产,全球化竞争成为现实,并形成了买方市场。

    The emergence and development of network economy changed radically manufacturing environment , realized globalization of production and competition , and made buyer 's market come into being .

  6. 成功的实施其中一个软件包能够为组织的决策者提供更新或更好的信息,以及实现全球化生产和分销过程。

    A successful implementation of one of these packages can provide new or better information to an organization 's decision makers , and enable global manufacturing and distribution processes .

  7. 伴随着汽车产业的快速增长,在全球化生产浪潮接踵而来的今天,中国汽车企业面临着前所未有的挑战。

    Along with the rapid development of the automobile industry and the wave of the international manufacturing , automobile enterprises of China are facing with the unprecedented challenges today .

  8. 随着全球化生产体系的建立和发展,企业之间的竞争愈加激烈,成本管理作为一个重要的战略武器越来越为人们所重视。

    With the establishment and development of globalized production system , the competition among enterprises become increasingly fierce , and the cost management as an important strategic weapon has been highly valued by people .

  9. 跨国公司在全球化生产过程中追逐成本外部化,并通过在海外生产基地传播了大量生产大量消费大量废弃的线性模式,对全球生态系统恶化负有责任;

    Multinational corporations chase after cost externality in the process of globalization and spread the linear pattern of mass-produce , mass-consume , mass-waste over the world that would be responsible for the deterioration of ecosystem ;

  10. 为规避此风险,位于全球化生产链条最低端的中小企业厂商,采取了外包生产制度,拒绝承担劳动力再生产的成本,让劳动力再生产的成本回归到劳动力本身。

    In order to mitigate the risk , small and medium sized manufacturers , lying at the lowest end of the global production chains , adopt the outsourcing strategy . They refuse to take on the cost of labor reproduction and force it back to the laborers themselves .

  11. 经济全球化要求生产国际化、贸易自由化和金融全球化。

    Economic globalization requires production internationalization , trade liberalization and financial globalization .

  12. 同理社会主义不仅受全球化的生产关系影响,同时会受全球的金融危机影响。

    Empathy only by globalization socialist relations of production and can influence the global financial crisis .

  13. 随着经济的全球化,生产企业之间的竞争逐步被供应链之间的竞争所代替。

    With economic globalization , the competition among manufactures has been gradually replaced by the competition of supply chains .

  14. 继贸易全球化、生产全球化之后,研究开发全球化已经成为经济一体化的重要趋势。

    The globalization of research and development has become an important trend after the globalization of trade and production .

  15. 它是一个结盟企业的利益共同体,是实现全球化敏捷生产的主要方式。

    It is a common profit organization for all its member companies , and is a way to approach the global agile manufacturing .

  16. 经济全球化和生产一体化的今天,外商直接投资已经成为经济增长与社会进步的助推器。

    Under the background of economic globalization and producting integration , international investment has already became the booster of economic growth and social progress .

  17. 随着市场国际化、采购全球化,生产布局也随市场采购逐渐实现了全球化,这就大大地加长了供应链。

    With the market internationalized and the merchandising globalized , the production allocation come into globalization gradually too , thus prolongs the supply chain greatly .

  18. 弗罗曼表示:很多人就全球化对生产、就业和薪资模式的影响提出了非常合理的担忧。

    There are a lot of people who raise very legitimate concerns about the impact of globalisation on patterns of production , on jobs , on wages .

  19. 贸易自由化、金融全球化和生产全球化是经济全球化的三个主要组成部分。经济全球化对发展中国家的发展有弊也有利,而且是弊大于利。

    Economic globalization , with trade liberalization , financial globalization and production globalization as its three chief components , brings more disadvantages than advantages to the development of developing countries .

  20. 21世纪,研发国际化已经成为继贸易全球化、生产全球化、金融资本化之后,世界经济一体化发展的新趋势。

    R & D internationalization has become the new trend in the world economic integration after the globalization of trade and production as well as the financial capitalization in the 20th century .

  21. 随着经济一体化、贸易全球化、生产社会化的迅猛发展,运输需求的不断增长,使港口业进入了一个快速增长时期。

    Along with the fast development of economic integration , trade globalization and socialization of production , the transportation demand increased quickly , which makes port industry enter into a quick development term .

  22. 动态联盟是企业为了快速响应出现或根据预测即将出现的市场机遇而联合其它企业组成的利益共同体,是实现全球化敏捷生产的主要方式;

    Virtual Enterprise is a common profit organization of several enterprises cooperating for quick response to a market chance and a foreseen market chance , and it is the important form of agile manufacture ;

  23. 全球化是生产方式矛盾运动的必然结果,它在推动经济发展和社会进步的同时,也在经济、政治和文化上带来了一系列不可克服的内在矛盾。

    While it enhances economic development and social progress , it also gives rise to a series of internal contradictions in economy , politics and culture , and some of them seem impossible to overcome .

  24. 从理论上来讲,劳动力市场灵活化改革的根源在于:凯恩斯主义就业政策的失灵、刚性劳动力市场的低效率和全球化时代生产方式与就业模式的根本性变革。

    The research indicates that the fundamental reasons for labor market flexibility involve the failure of Keynesian employment policy , low efficiency of labor market and the changeable production employment mode in the globalization age .

  25. 汽车产业全球化、生产规模化及营销品牌化趋势加剧了汽车厂商在全球汽车销售服务领域的竞争。

    The trend of the globalization , large-scale production and brand marketing of the of the automobile industry makes the competition among the automobile manufacturers be sharper and sharper in the field of the automobile sales and service in the world .

  26. 在新经济环境下,企业经济运作具有经营全球化、生产自动化、管理信息化、交易智能化、产品个性化等特征。

    Under the environment of so called " New Economy ", there are some new characteristics have appeared in running business which are operating globally , computerization of production process , information orientation in management , transacting intelligently and diversification of products .

  27. 经济全球化以生产要素的全球配置为主要特征,以贸易自由化、生产国际化、金融全球化为核心内容,改变了整个世界乃至各国经济运行机制,对各国经济增长产生深刻影响。

    The main characteristic of economic globalization is the global layout of productive factors and its core content is trade liberalization , productive internationalization and financial globalization . It has changed the mechanism of economic movement in the world and countries and profoundly influenced their economic growth .

  28. 产业集聚是当前国际经济发展的一个新趋势,经济全球化和生产要素的专业化分工协作,国际间的竞争与合作,各国之间的经济交往等因素促进了产业集聚的形成。

    Industrial clustering is a new trend of the current international economic development . The economy globalization , production factors specialization and division of labor , international competition and cooperation , together with strengthening of economy intercommunion and other factors between the countries contributed to the emergence of industrial clustering .

  29. 经济全球化中企业生产方式的转换

    The Transformation of Enterprise Productive Way in Economic Globalization

  30. 经济全球化下地方生产网络模式演变分析&以中国为例

    Spatial evolution of local production network under economic globalization