
  1. OA系统也是企业实现全面信息化工程项目的基本项目。

    OA systems are also companies to achieve a comprehensive information technology projects , basic items .

  2. 采用PDM技术,建立了模具产品数据管理模块,实现了模具生产过程的全面信息化管理及联盟企业内的资源、技术与信息共享。

    Utilizing PDM technology , the mold product data management module is set up , and the sharing for all-around informationization management during the mould producing process and the resource , technology and information in the enterprises alliance is implement .

  3. 高校学报全面信息化存在的问题

    Problems in comprehensive information work of university journals

  4. 随着高校网络建设的推进,高校学报进入全面信息化阶段。

    Along with the advancement of the university network construction , the journals entered the comprehensive information stage .

  5. 从会计的基础管理工作入手,建立规范的电算化管理制度,为今后的企业全面信息化做好准备,这是本文的写作目的。

    Starting from the basic accounting work , it is the paper 's purpose to put up the regulation of computerized accounting management .

  6. 目前,各个企业进行全面信息化建设已是大势所趋,管理信息系统也成为了建设重头。

    Currently , various enterprises to conduct a comprehensive information technology has become a trend , management information systems has become a construction heavy head .

  7. 在社会转型时期,法学研究需要具有现代意义的视角和现代化的方法,现代社会最显著的特点就是社会的全面信息化。

    The research on law needs modern viewpoint and method in this social turning period . The most remarkable feature of modem society is its complete informationization .

  8. 近年来随着高校教育的不断发展和扩大,教育全面信息化的要求越来越迫切。

    In recent years , with the continuous development and expansion of higher education , demands for comprehensive informatization of education are becoming more and more pressing .

  9. 政府工作的全面信息化,离不开公文的电子化,电子公文贯穿于电子政务模式下行政管理的全过程。

    The all-around informationization of government work is indispensable from the electronic documents management , which runs through the whole process of administrative management in the E-government model .

  10. 随着社会的进步,居民生活水平的不断提高,疾病防护与儿童免疫全面信息化管理已经成为社会趋势。

    With the society advancing and standard of living improving constantly , the management of disease protection and child immunity system towards full information developing already become the trend .

  11. 摘要为了改变鞍钢铁水调度管理的落后状况,满足鞍钢全面信息化的要求,在对铁水调度管理现场长期调研的基础上,采用先进的设计理念和信息化方法,开发了鞍钢铁水计算机辅助调度系统。

    In order to improve Ansteel hot metal scheduling management and meet the need of overall information in ansteel , based on long term field research and advanced design thinking and information method , a computer aided hot metal scheduling system was developed .

  12. 面对二十一世纪社会全面信息化的特点,如何赶上全国英语教学改革的步伐,从应试教育转向素质教育是职业学校英语教学必须面对的严峻问题。

    Faced with the information times of the 21st century , English teaching in vocational schools has to face the problem of how to follow the steps of the nationwide teaching reform and how to change the test-oriented teaching into the quality-oriented teaching .

  13. 本文通过对县级森林资源地理信息数据库的建立及应用研究,为今后县级林业部门提高工作效率、作出正确的森林经营管理决策、实现林业全面信息化管理等方面奠定了坚实的基础。

    Through the studies on establishment and application of forest resource geographic information database on county level . This paper is important and helpful for the forestry department in counties to make correct decision , enhance work efficiency and realize the informational management etc.

  14. 该设计方法的实现,促进了CAD技术全面的信息化、网络化、智能化、敏捷化发展趋势。

    The accomplishment of this design method brings about an advance in overall information , Web-based , intelligentized and smart CAD development .

  15. 全面实施信息化管理,实现门到门的服务。

    Complete information management and real door to door service for you !

  16. 鞍钢:全面实施信息化战略

    Overall Implementation of Informatization Strategy in Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation

  17. 社会全面进入信息化时代,信息化的浪潮正席卷整个供水行业。

    Society has entered the information age , Informatization wave is sweeping the entire water-supply industry .

  18. 本文的研究为企业进一步实现全面的信息化打下了坚实的基础。

    This paper studies for enterprise further realize the comprehensive information to lay a solid foundation .

  19. 电信营运商在经过从上世纪八十年代开始的大规模信息化建设之后,到目前为止,基础营运系统已经全面实现信息化。

    Nowadays , the primary operating systems have got overall informatization after the large-scaled construction from 1980 's.

  20. 随着通信技术和因特网的高速发展,人类社会已经全面步入信息化时代。

    Due to the rapid growth of communication technology and Internet , human beings are entering the era of information .

  21. 二十一世纪人类全面进入信息化时代,教育正在走向信息化、现代化。

    In the twenty-first century , mankind entered the information age , in which education is moving towards information and modernization .

  22. 利用高科技改造农业,全面构建信息化农业、智能农业、精准农业是现代农业发展的趋势。

    It is a direction of developing modern agriculture that using high-tech to establish Information Agriculture , Capacity Agriculture and Precision Agriculture entirely .

  23. 突破现今发展瓶颈的关键之一在于从根本上提高企业管理水平和全面实施信息化管理技术。

    One of the keys to overcome the development bottleneck is to improve the management level radically and to utilize technology of information management comprehensively .

  24. 21世纪将是人类全面进入信息化社会的世纪,21世纪的教育必须适应信息化社会对教育的需求。

    The 21st century will be the century that the mankind enters the information-based society which raises some requirements to be satisfied by the education in the 21st century .

  25. 文章最后提出了确保全行业实现信息化的保障措施,以及全面推进信息化速度的实施步骤和工作进程。

    Finally , this article puts forward the safeguarding measures of realizing informatization in the whole industry and the actualizing steps and working process to promote the construction of informatization in all aspects .

  26. 如今,我国正处于全面推进信息化的进程之中,物流领域的信息化更是如火如荼的推进之中,它既带有一般信息化的共性,也有其特性。

    Today , China is undergoing the process of comprehensive computerization , the logistics field of information technology is advancing full swing , both with the common general information , but also their identity .

  27. 二十一世纪是人类全面进入信息化社会的新世纪,以多媒体技术和网络技术为核心的现代信息技术已成为拓展人类能力的创造性工具。

    The 21st century is a new century full of human society enters the information-baed era , multimedia and network technology as the core of modern information technology has become the creative human capacity development tools .

  28. 该系统的运用在医院门诊信息管理方面收到了良好的成效,节省了人力物力,并及时地提供了比较准确的统计数据,为医院全面实现信息化、科学化、现代化管理奠定了基础。

    It proves that this system can improve the efficiency and profits of hospital outpatient information management , provide exact statistics data , and establish the basis for the realization of information , scientific and modern management in hospitals .

  29. 智慧城市是一个多元智慧化的概念,涉及到城市产业、生活服务等城市物质环境全面的信息化,当然也离不开物联网等信息基础设施的支撑。

    Smart City is a concept of multiple intelligence , related to urban industry , urban living services and comprehensive information of the physical environment etc , of course , things can not do without the support of information infrastructure .

  30. 21世纪将是一个全面电子信息化的时代,各国都对电子商务的发展给予高度的关注和积极推动,力争抓住机遇,成为21世纪的国际贸易强国。

    The 21st century will be an era of complete electronic information . All the countries show great concern for the e-commerce and try hard to seize the chance so as to become the power of international trade in the 21st century .