- 网络Paid in Full

If holdouts are paid in full with interest then it reduces the incentive for investors to participate in future debt restructuring , he said .
Now there is talk of the European Central Bank accepting Greek government bonds as collateral even if it is restructured ( not repaid in full ) or rescheduled ( paid late ) .
The ECB , which bought the bonds at a discount , had been insisting on repayment in full .
Domestically , China continues to build its own bubble of debt that will probably never be repaid in full .
I would also like to request a tuition refundhope I am not too late to receive the full reimbursement .
Carnival is offering passengers a full refund , an additional $ 500 in compensation and discounts on future cruises .
It had insisted until the middle of last year that local governments must pay back their loans in full and on time .
Take all this together , and we can be sure that debts amassed by the Greeks will never be paid in their entirety .
Many of the potential holdouts in the international law bonds are hedge funds who bought on the hope of being paid back in full .
It is quite possible to find one that protects the taxpayers ' interest better , by insisting on full reimbursement , after assisted companies return to health .
Media reports said Kong borrowed S $ 1 million ( 721200 US dollars ) from the hotel , but failed to pay back the debt in full .
Until Europe can acknowledge that many of the sovereign debts cannot be repaid in full and assure the soundness of the banks when that happens , the crisis will continue .
General Motors announced it had repaid in full the $ 8.4 billion in loans it received from the American , Canadian and Ontario governments , five years ahead of schedule .
The message to potential creditors was clear : eurozone sovereign debt should no longer be considered a safe asset with the implicit promise that it would be repaid in full .
It leaves Argentina facing an appeal court order to pay the holdouts in full before it can make payments to other bondholders , whose next instalment is due on June 30 .
There are serious reasons to doubt that the country will be able to repay its debt entirely , even if it implements in full the large and protracted budgetary adjustment now on the table , and regains competitiveness .