
  • 网络aux;orcs;OAKS;oakes;ochs
  1. 奥克斯借力央视东风

    AUX Borrows East Wind from CCTV

  2. 通过信息化管理手段,提高质量信息管理水平&浅述奥克斯集团质量信息管理的信息化方式

    Promoting Quality Information Management by Way of Informationized Management & on the informationization approach in AUX quality information management

  3. 新国会明天即将开始新的任期,两张熟悉的面孔也将不在:参议员保罗·S·萨班斯和众议员迈克尔·G·奥克斯莱,两位先生都即将退休。

    WHEN the new Congress begins its session tomorrow , two familiar faces will not be present : Senator Paul S.Sarbanes and Representative Michael G.Oxley , who are both retiring .

  4. 本研究调查了在2002年萨班斯-奥克斯法案(SOX)实施之后,内部控制质量与审计师的持续经营评估之间的关系。

    This study examines whether internal control quality is associated with auditors'going concern assessments following the implementation of the Sarbanes – Oxley Act of2002 ( SOX ) .

  5. 推特用户NickSanitsky上传了这对情侣不同寻常的交通方式,然后写到:“比伯和赛琳娜在奥克斯玩玩代步车,她人很好,所以他冲我嚷嚷。”

    Twitter user Nick Sanitsky posted a picture of the pair on the unusual mode of transport and wrote : ' Bieber and Selena segwaying in the Oaks . She was so nice , so he yelled at us ( sic ) ' .

  6. 30岁的杰瑞德•奥克斯(JaredOakes)是该所房地产小组的律师助理,他说,虽然对减薪不高兴,但公布的方案还是让他感到欣慰。

    Jared Oakes , a30-year-old associate in the firm 's real-estate group , says that though he isn 't excited about the pay cut , the measure brought some relief .

  7. 我想还可以收到奥克斯频道。

    I think you get the oxygen channel , too .

  8. 奥克斯说他不知道到底有多少人受伤了。

    Okoth said he did not know how many people were injured .

  9. 奥克斯波洛承认,他对是否进行实验犹豫不决。

    Oxborrow admits that he was skittish about the experiment .

  10. 其他有票在门口等待的人受到了影响,奥克斯说。

    Others waiting at the gate with tickets were affected , Okoth said .

  11. 奥克斯福德教授肯定了这种做法。

    Professor Oxford believes this approach is right .

  12. 这件案子不是你能管得了的,纳提奥克斯。

    This case was never yours , nerteaux .

  13. “当门倒时,人也被推倒了,”奥克斯说。

    " When the gate fell , people were pushed down ," Okoth said .

  14. 迈克尔•杰克逊遗产公司已要求撤回早前对奥克斯曼有关该档案的传票。

    Jackson 's estate had sought to quash subpoenas that Oxman issued for the files .

  15. 我是特别警探雷诺得奥克斯。

    I 'm special agent Ronald oakes .

  16. 奥克斯曼说他对这个判决结果感到高兴并期待尽快取得有关档案。

    Oxman said he was pleased with the ruling and expects to have the records soon .

  17. 国会通过了《萨班斯&奥克斯里法案》,以建立对会计和其他公司行为更加严格的规范。

    Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to tighten up accounting and other standards for corporate behavior .

  18. 奥克斯·乔丹估计的死亡人数持续了几十年,但后来被质疑估得太低。

    Oakes Jordan 's estimate stood for decades , but it was later challenged as being too low .

  19. 她们俩于1918年7月4日(美国独立日)出生在依阿华州的西奥克斯城。

    They were born in Sioux City , Iowa on July 4 , American Independence Day , in 1918 .

  20. 一年后,奥克斯曼进入麻省理工学院攻读建筑学博士。

    A year later , Oxman enrolled in the architecture PHD program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . 5 .

  21. 奥克斯波洛在易趣上找到了一支旧的医用激光,他开车到伦敦北部的一个仓库中把它取了回来。

    Oxborrow located an old medical laser on eBay and drove to a warehouse in North London to pick it up .

  22. 行政许可:市场准入的新标准&奥克斯诉信息产业部案引发的思考

    Administrative Licensing : The New Standard for Market Access & houghts Provoked by the Case of Aux versus Ministry of Information Industry

  23. 奥克斯输入连接:每投入来源是一套辅助唧女互助会展开直接向奥克斯在选择模块。

    AUX Input Connections : The input for each auxiliary source is a set of female RCA jacks mounted directly to the Aux-In Selector module .

  24. 萨班斯&奥克斯莱法案创设了一个昂贵的及有争议性违宪的新的协调机构去规范审计公司活动,而不是创造一种规则改变现有的机制。

    Rather than creating a regulation to change the system , Sarbanes-Oxley created an expensive and arguably unconstitutional new regulatory agency to regulate the audit firms'activities .

  25. 他还打开劳丽奥克斯,网络的资深政治记者,在现场谁批评上周日交叉黎敦的招聘。

    He also turned on Laurie Oakes , the network 's veteran political correspondent , who criticised Mr Latham 's hiring during a live-cross on Sunday .

  26. 最近几天,2016年6月份的《科技》期刊封面专题和演员布拉德·皮特共同受到了媒体的关注,而之前传出了内里·奥克斯曼与布拉德·皮特正在交往的消息。

    Our June 2016 Technology Issue cover subject and the actor Brad Pitt have shared the media spotlight in recent days after allegedly igniting a romance .

  27. 不那么自律的人这时可能会到酒吧里灌黄汤,“但我用的是‘实验室工作疗法’”奥克斯波洛说。

    Whereas less well-behaved people might have wallowed in the pub , " I went to the lab as a bit of therapy " , says oxborrow .

  28. 诺拉·奥克斯——较劲的学生1972年,诺拉·奥克斯寡居在堪萨斯州杰特摩尔镇(人口1000)一个种植小麦的农场。

    Nola Ochs-The Energizer Student In 1972 , Nola Ochs was widowed on her wheat farm in the town of Jetmore , Kansas ( population 1000 ) .

  29. 可是标准普尔500种股票总体市盈率,从萨班斯&奥克斯莱法案2002年春季起草完毕起,就已持续下降。

    The overall price-earnings ratio for the Standard & Poor's500-stock index , however , has declined continuously since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was being drafted in the spring of2002 .

  30. 杰克逊的一名家庭律师&布赖恩·奥克斯曼称,其兄弟兰迪·杰克逊告诉他,周四早晨,迈克尔·杰克逊在洛杉矶的家中摔倒。

    Brian Oxman , a Jackson family attorney , said he was told by brother Randy Jackson that Michael Jackson collapsed at his home in west Los Angeles Thursday morning .