
  • 网络oakley;Oakleigh
  1. 奥克利先生总是乐于向记者透露消息。

    Mr Oakley always has been ready to oblige journalists with information .

  2. 奥克利把家务置于更广泛的经济、社会和政治结构背景中。

    Oakley locates housework in the wider context of economic , social and political structures .

  3. 他们不仅想要性能不错的房子,还想要一种感觉良好的氛围,的安吉拉拉姆齐(AngelaRamsey)说。安吉拉经营着镇上另一家独立企业奥克利地产(Oakleyestateagency)。

    They want not only nice properties but a feel-good factor , says Angela Ramsey , who manages the Oakley estate agency , another independent business in town .

  4. 今天我给女朋友买了一个700美刀的镯子做圣诞礼物,然后暗示她我想要一副奥克利墨镜。

    Today , after buying my girlfriend a $ 700 bracelet for Christmas , I hinted that I wanted a pair of Oakleys .

  5. 在犹他州盐湖城外的奥克利镇,官员们禁止建造房屋,因为供水系统达到了极限。

    In Oakley , Utah , a town outside of Salt Lake City , officials ended home building because the water system was at its limit .

  6. 和波尔津吉斯与安东尼的情况一样,杰克逊的继任者必须着力于修复尼克斯的公信力和亲和力,就像面对奥克利。

    As with the Porzingis and Anthony situations above , Jackson 's successor must work to restore the Knicks ' credibility and likeability vis a vis Oakley .

  7. 除非查尔斯-奥克利成功控诉纽约老板詹姆斯-多兰,尼克斯2016-17赛季唯一的亮点将是克里斯塔普斯-波尔津吉斯在全明星周末斩获技巧挑战赛冠军。

    Unless Charles Oakley successfully sues owner James Dolan , the highlight of the Knicks ' 2016-17 season will be Kristaps Porzingis winning the Skills Challenge at All-Star Weekend .

  8. 当奥克利被保安带出麦迪逊广场花园,作为联盟这个赛季中最糟糕的时刻之一,尼克斯这个赛季的决定时刻就到来了。

    The defining moment of the Knicks season came when Oakley was hauled out of Madison Square Garden by security in one of the league 's worst moments in years .

  9. 奥克利先生现供职于南田纳西州的一家建筑工程公司,他以优异的成绩从麻省理工学院毕业还不到两年的时间。

    Less than two years ago he had been graduated with honors from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and had taken a position with a firm of construction engineers in southern Tennessee .

  10. 道格拉斯·克里斯蒂,查里斯·奥克利,迪·布朗,马吉斯·博格斯,安东尼·戴维斯,戴尔·科里,凯文·威利斯,你们为我这个来自佛罗里达州的少年诠释了篮球的真谛;

    Doug Christy , Charles Oakley , Dee Brown , Mugsy Bogues , Antonio Davis , Dell Curry , Kevin Willis , you all showed a young kid from Auburndale Florida how to be a better player .

  11. 这可能是所有这些之中最难的,因为多兰的固执和他和查尔斯-奥克利的历史。但是纽约如果保持现在这幅烂形象他们将寸步难行。

    This might be the toughest sell of all , in light of Dolan 's stubbornness and his history with Charles Oakley , but New York isn 't getting anywhere if it continues to have a rotten image .