
  • 网络Group Interview;panel interview
  1. 今年,沃顿将成为美国第一家引入小组面试程序的顶级商学院&瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)已经采取了这种做法。

    Wharton will become the first top US school to introduce a group interview process this year – IMD in Switzerland already does this .

  2. 今年,沃顿将成为美国第一家引入小组面试程序的顶级商学院——瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)已经采取了这种做法。

    Wharton will become the first top US school to introduce a group interview process this year - IMD in Switzerland already does this .

  3. A学生卡拉•戴尔(KaraDyer)2006年夏天经过一次小组面试后成功获得管理咨询公司ZSAssociates驻芝加哥办事处的实习机会。

    M.B.A.student Kara Dyer landed a2006 summer internship in the Chicago office of management consultancy ZS Associates after a panel interview .

  4. 小组面试通常更加正式和生硬,透露出的信息也更少。

    Panel interviews are typically more formal , stilted and less revealing .

  5. 而电视节目中则很少有这样的小组面试环节。

    But there 's seldom a group procedure on TV .

  6. 小组面试(多个应征者)是为了看应征者如果与人交流而设计的面试形式。

    A group interview is designed to see how you interact with others .

  7. 有一些求职者拒绝参加小组面试,或者会中途离开。

    Some potential employees refuse to come in for a group interview or walk out halfway .

  8. 但是在小组面试的情况下,情况就不一样了,除了谈话还要做好公开演讲的准备。

    In panel interviews , the situation is a hybrid of a conversation and public speaking engagement .

  9. 组织更多专门小组面试。

    Lead more panel interviews .

  10. 但反对小组面试的批评者却认为这种方法有损人格,声称这种方式给本已困难重重的求职过程增加了不必要的额外压力和竞争。

    But critics of group interviews find them demeaning and say they add unnecessary stress and competition in an already-difficult job-hunting process .

  11. 小组面试最早用于在学术界和保健行业,但如今在各行各业的面试中被广泛采用。

    Panel interviews were first used in academia and health care industries , but are becoming more popular in corporate sector nowadays .

  12. 小组面试这种方式久已被学术机构、政府单位和非赢利组织所采用,这些机构部门倾向于在所有面试官达成共识的基础上做决定。

    Group grilling has long been popular among academics , government agencies and nonprofit organizations & sectors that prefer decisions by a consensus of constituencies .

  13. 如今,独享尊荣的雇主大可以对应聘者们挑挑拣拣,在他们看来,小组面试是考量求职者在压力之下的真本质的一个有效方法。

    Employers , who now have the luxury of being picky with candidates , see selection committees as an efficient way to measure applicants'mettle under fire .

  14. 小组面试(也称作面试委员会),你将在同一时间面对好几个人,通常你们围坐在会议桌上。

    In a panel interview ( also called committee interview ), you will meet with several individuals at one time , typically sitting around a conference table .

  15. 晚上是为第二轮比赛特别设置的面试环节,分为小组面试以及个人面试。

    A special interview , which was divided into group interviews and individual interviews , was set for the second round of the interview session in the evening .

  16. 到当天晚上结束的时候,该公司选出了前68位求职者,随后将给这些人打电话,请他们再来公司参加小组面试以及随后的单独面试。

    By the end of the evening , the team had found the top68 candidates , who will be called back for group interviews and then individual interviews .

  17. 但顾问乔治•布莱特却认为小组面试是最有效的方式之一,通过这种方式,可以从一开始就找出具有团队协作能力的潜在求职者。

    But consultant George Bradt says the group format is one of the most organic ways to spot the ability of potential employees to work in teams from the get-go .

  18. 它从印度300家学院招募员工。学生们需要参加在线智力与分析能力测试,通过测试的学生要接受一个三人小组面试。

    It recruits from 300 Indian academic institutions , where students are invited to take online aptitude and analytical skills tests . Those who make the grade are interviewed by a three-person panel .