
  1. 保荐制度在我国是一个新兴的制度,它是连接证券发行上市制度中的通道制和未来的注册制的过渡性制度。

    Sponsorship system is a newly established mechanism in China and it is a connection between the " xhannel system " and the future " registration system " for issuance of securities .

  2. 通过对高校企业的自身发展需要和我国证券市场上市制度规定的分析,高校企业选择借壳上市方式成为通往证券市场的一条捷径。

    As the demand of the university owned enterprise development and the analysis of the policy of our security market , back door listing is a shortcut to enter into our security market .

  3. 证券发行与上市制度国际比较研究

    Research on International Comparison of Securities Issuing and Listing System

  4. 第三章重点回顾了民营企业在海外证券市场上市的制度变迁,特别是监管部门对民营企业海外上市的态度变化;

    In the third chapter , the author mainly reviewed the institutions change of the enterprises going public in oversea stock market , especially the change of the supervision department 's attitude about private enterprises going public ;

  5. 2004年2月1日《证券发行上市保荐制度暂行办法》的正式施行标志着我国内地保荐人制度已初具雏形。

    The implementation of the " Provisional Measures on the Sponsor System for Issuing and Listing of Securities " on February 1 , 2004 indicates that the inland sponsor system of our country has already had embryonic forms for the first time .

  6. 美国是当今世界上证券市场最为发达的国家,也是当今世界上证券法律制度最为完备的国家,其证券上市监管法律制度一直是各国竞相效仿的典范。

    Due to its developed securities market and sophisticated legal system , the United States has long been well acclaimed for its legal framework of securities listing supervision .