
  • 网络enterprise development strategy;Strategy of Enterprise Development;Business Strategy
  1. CIM与企业发展战略

    CIM and Enterprise Development Strategy

  2. 通过SWOT模型和SST分析法,从理论上说明了昆明公交企业发展战略应建立在基于GPS的公交智能化运营调度系统的基础上。

    Through the SWOT model and the SST analysis method , in theory that the Kunming public transportation enterprise development strategy should be established based on the intelligent public transport dispatching system on GPS .

  3. 福州市X房地产企业发展战略研究

    The Research on Development Strategy of X Real Estate Company in FuZhou

  4. WTO与中国食品企业发展战略

    WTO and chinese foodstuff enterprises development strategy

  5. SWOT法是制定企业发展战略的有效方法。

    SWOT is an effective approach to formulate the corporate strategy .

  6. SWOT分析模型在乌鲁木齐邮政物流企业发展战略选择中的应用

    Application of SWOT Analysis Model to the Development Strategic Selection of Post Logistics Enterprises in Urumqi

  7. 将绿色供应链管理(GreenSupplyChainManagement,GSCM)这一适应社会经济发展的重要的新课题引入到我国企业发展战略中,具有很大的现实意义。

    This paper broaches Green Supply Chain Management ( GSCM ), which is an important new issue and also adapts to socio-economic development into the development strategy of enterprises in China . It has great practical significance .

  8. 业务组合C的选择仅仅是在未来预期收入一定等假设条件下,对整体税负研究得出的税务筹划方案,公司最终业务组合的选择还应包括公司企业发展战略、资源整合能力等方面的考虑。

    Business Combination Item C is a revenue plan based on the comprehensive study of tax bearing and under the condition that the expecting income is certain . Business Combination should also consider the other infects including developing strategy , resources conformity ability , etc.

  9. 本文提出了营销战略的3F模型,从企业发展战略、企业人才战略和企业信息化的角度来研究TCL公司的营销战略,并详细阐述了这三者与营销战略间的密切联系;

    This paper points out " 3 F Model " about marketing strategy , and researches TCL Company 's marketing strategy from enterprise development strategy , enterprise human strategy and enterprise information , also explains the relation about that three facts in detail .

  10. 企业发展战略理论演进与系统形态演化分析

    Analysis on Enterprise Developing Strategy Theory Development and System Form Evolution

  11. 燃煤发电企业发展战略及其实证分析

    The Development Strategy and an Empirical Study of Coal-generating Power Enterprises

  12. 全球采购:大型企业发展战略中重要的一环

    Global Sourcing , a Key in Large-sized Enterprise Development Strategy

  13. 创新性企业发展战略研究

    The Research on the Development Strategy of the Innovative Enterprises

  14. 能力刚性、动态环境与企业发展战略路径选择

    Research on the Selection of the Development Strategy Path of the Enterprise

  15. 吉林省对外承包工程企业发展战略研究

    Research on Developing Strategy for International Project Contracting Enterprises of Jilin Province

  16. 多业务企业发展战略选择

    Study on choice of developing strategy for enterprise whose business is multiform

  17. 企业发展战略理论的演进与原理分析

    Analysis on Evolution and Principal of Enterprise Development Strategy Theory

  18. 我国医药企业发展战略选择

    The Developing Strategy Selection of the Medicine Corporation in China

  19. 新疆中小企业发展战略研究

    The Study of Development Strategy of Xinjiang 's Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  20. 唐山不锈钢企业发展战略研究

    The Strategy Research on Development of Tangshan Stainless Steel Co. , Ltd

  21. 循环经济理论与绿色企业发展战略的研究

    The Study on Cyclic Economy Theory and the Developmental Strategy of Green Enterprise

  22. 企业发展战略变革研究的新视角&卢曼的社会系统理论

    The Applying of Luhmann 's Social Systems Theory in the Corporate Strategic Change

  23. 特征尺度理论与企业发展战略的层级结构

    A Characteristic-scale Theory and Hierarchical Structure for the Enterprise ′ s Development Strategies

  24. 企业发展战略与技术创新战略的整合

    Integration of Enterprise Development Strategy and Technological Creation Strategy

  25. 敏捷制造模式是面向21世纪全球市场竞争的一种企业发展战略。

    Agile manufacture is an enterprise development stratagem facing global competition in 21st century .

  26. 平衡记分卡导向企业发展战略

    The Development Strategy of Balanced Scorecard Oriented Enterprise

  27. 多元化成长与矿山企业发展战略

    Diversified Growth and Development Strategy of Mine Enterprises

  28. 再上高楼&对中国铁路工程总公司企业发展战略的再思考

    Make Further Progress in Future & Thoughts on the Enterprise Development Strategy of CREC

  29. 关于现代煤炭企业发展战略的思考

    Research on Development Strategy of Modern Coal Enterprise

  30. 漯河市大企业发展战略研究

    The Study of Strategy in Luohe Large Enterprises