
  • 网络inward internationalization
  1. 本文以专业市场国际竞争力和中国经济国际化程度作为分析我国专业市场国际化的基本变量,将专业市场经营归纳为四种模式,认为内向国际化经营是目前我国专业市场国际化基本模式。

    Regarding the international competitiveness of specialized market and the degree of internationalization of Chinese economy as basic variables , we induce four kinds of management pattern of specialized market and think inward internationalization is the basic pattern of the internationalization of specialized market .

  2. 企业国际化研究企业如何向跨国企业演变发展,随着国际竞争环境的变化,中国企业的国际化战略也由内向国际化转向外向国际化,走出去成为企业的必然选择。

    With the variation of the international competitive environment , Chinese enterprises ' international strategy has changed from introverted internationalization to extroverted internationalization .

  3. 前言:目的:探讨我国化学制药企业的内向国际化经营及其对开展外向国际化经营的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the inward international business of the Chinese chemical pharmaceutical enterprises and its impact on the development of outward international business .

  4. 本文通过内向国际化和外向国际化两方面来对企业的国际化进行研究,理论部分通过模型说明国际化知识如何通过这两方面推动企业国际化发展,并建立相应的国际化发展程度的内外向综合衡量体系。

    The theory part explains how international knowledge promotes the development of international business in these two ways and sets up a comprehensive measurement system of the internal and external internationalization development level .

  5. 借鉴义乌中国小商品城的国际化典型经验,提出了从立足本地,到全国经营,再到内向国际化,最终实现跨出国门外向国际化的专业市场国际化路径和三个发展阶段。

    Using the experience of internationalization of China Yiwu Commodity City for reference , we put forward the internationalization path and three stages of development of specialized market : from local to domestic , then to inward internationalization , and finally to outward internationalization .

  6. 企业国际化是一个双向过程,包括内向型国际化和外向型国际化两个方面。

    Internationalization is a two-orientation process including internal and external one .

  7. 外商直接投资经济实效与中国企业内向型国际化

    The Economic Performance of FDI and the Inward Internationalization of Chinese Enterprises