
  • 网络built-in stabilizer;automatic stabilizer
  1. 运用该模型揭示了市场导向的利率形成机制能够起“内在稳定器”作用来舒缓这一压力,但是不能完全化解它,从而有可能形成特殊的升值压力下的货币危机。

    This model displays that the determining mechanism of the market - oriented interest rates can act as an automatic stabilizer to ease the appreciation pressures but cannot resolve them .

  2. 企业间反需求状况定价行为:价格总水平的内在稳定器

    The Anti-Demand Pricing Conduct Between Firms Contest & An " Internal Steady Instrument " of Macroeconomic Price Level

  3. 税收对社会总需求的调节,是通过内在稳定器和相机抉择机理而进行的。

    The adjustment of taxation to general social demand is made through intrinsic stabilizer and discretionary choice mechanism .

  4. 财政冲抵效应(这种作用之所以巨大,要归因于财政内在稳定器,而非相机抉择的刺激措施)帮助在危机期间维持了需求。

    The fiscal offsets - overwhelmingly due to built-in fiscal stabilisers , not the discretionary stimulus - helped sustain demand in the crisis .

  5. 税收是国家财政的组成部分和调控经济的重要手段,是经济社会发展的内在稳定器。

    Taxation is part of the national finance and economy is the important means of economic and social development of the " inner stabilizer " .

  6. 自动(或内在)稳定器发动机起动自耦变压器

    Automatic ( or built-in ) stabilizers motorstarting autotransformer