
  • 网络endogenous money;inside money
  1. 外生与内生货币供给理论研究述评

    Review of the Exogenous and Endogenous Money Supply Theoretical Research

  2. 理性泡沫与内生货币供给下的恶性通货膨胀:中国1945&1949

    Hyperinflation with Rational Bubbles and Endogenous Money Supply : China 1945 & 1949

  3. 本文在基本RBC模型的框架下,引入粘滞性价格和内生货币机制,建立包含货币政策的动态周期模型,并且用这个模型模拟了中国经济。

    This paper extends the basic RBC ( Real Business Cycle ) model to a framework with sticky-price and endogenous monetary policy to study the fluctuation of China 's economy .

  4. 内生货币供给与货币政策效应的理论分析和实证检验

    Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Testing on Endogenous Money Supply and Monetary Policy Effect

  5. 内生货币供给理论的回顾与展望

    Theory of Endogenous Money Supply : Retrospect and Prospect

  6. 温特劳布&卡尔多内生货币供应模型及其评述

    Weintraub & Kaldor Endogenous Money Supply Model And Comments

  7. 内生货币体系下的中国资本市场波动研究

    A Study on the Fluctuation in Chinse Capital Market undr Inherent Monetary System

  8. 后凯恩斯学派的内生货币假说&中国的例证

    Post Keynesian School ′ s Endogenous Money Hypothesis & Empirical Evidence from China

  9. 马克思的内生货币理论解析

    An Analysis of Marxist Theory of Endogenous Money

  10. 内生货币供给理论及其货币政策述评

    A Review of the Theory of the Endogenous Money Supply and the Monetary Policy Based on it

  11. 财政政策与经济增长&基于内生货币框架的分析

    Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth

  12. 作者认为内生货币理论能在理论上很好的解释两者的关系。

    The author believes that the endogenous money theory can perfectly interpret the relation in the theory .

  13. 本文介绍了一种基于内生货币供给的宏观经济理论及其模型要点,并在此理论基础上对市场经济中财政政策中的收支政策进行了分析。

    Introducing a macroeconomic theory and model based on inner monetary supply , the paper analyses the fiscal revenue and expenditure policy in the market economy .

  14. 正是在这种背景下,内生货币供给理论才越来越受到金融理论界与政策制定者的高度重视。

    Just under this circumstance , the theory of endogenous money supply has began to draw more and more attention from the trade of financial theory and those who enact policies .

  15. 本文对内生货币供给理论及其政策主张进行了全面的回顾与分析,并着重介绍了当代新凯恩斯主义的内生货币供给理论和货币政策。

    The paper reviews the theory of the endogenous money supply and the monetary policy based on the idea , and the New Kynesism endogenous money supply and its policy are discussed particularly .

  16. 考虑与货币发行相关的制度因素在货币供给上的效应,是制度型内生货币理论与后凯恩斯主义的需求决定型内生货币理论之间的关键区别。

    To consider the effects of the institutions that are relevant to currency issue on the behaviors of currency supply , it is key distinction between the institutional endogeneity of money and the post Keynesian demand-determined endogeneity of money .

  17. 本文在述评外生与内生货币供给理论研究的基础上指出:我国的货币供给不但具有一定的外生性,而且内生性的特点也日益明显。

    This text is on the basis of the review of the exogenous and endogenous money supply theoretical research , point out : The money supply of our country is not only exogenous , but also is endogenous obviously day by day .

  18. 相反,马克思经济学正是以劳动价值论为基础,在将价值理论与货币理论相结合中展示出一个以现实资本主义经济或市场经济关系为分析基础的内生货币理论。

    By contrast , based on the labor theory of value Marxian economics has generated the theory of endogenous money that took the relations of capitalist economy or market economy as the foundation of analysis by integrating the theories of value and money .

  19. 本文在一个内生增长一般均衡货币模型中,通过引入名义债券、实际债券、货币和物质资本,讨论了政府财政约束与价格水平决定的关系。

    The relationship between government 's fiscal budget constraint and determination of price level is discussed in an endogenous growth general equilibrium model .

  20. 内生论者认为货币供应量是由商品价格总额与货币金融体系的运行产生的,即主要由物价水平决定的。

    Endogenous commentators have suggested that the money supply is run by the the total commodity prices and monetary and financial system , and that is mainly determined by the price level .