
mínɡ yì huò bì
  • Nominal currency;falt money;token money
  1. 1993年以来名义货币供给量M2在绝对量和增长率两方面均远远超过名义GDP。

    Since 1993 nominal money supply M2 has exceeded nominal GDP in both absolute amount and growth rate .

  2. 因此,名义货币从它的本质实际上一钱不值。

    So fiat money is money which is intrinsically worthless .

  3. 名义货币需求与实际货币需求

    Nominal demand for money and actual demand for money

  4. 传统的名义货币/历史成本计量模式,将会逐渐被公允价值的计量模式所取代。

    The model of fair value will gradually replace the traditional model of accounting measurement .

  5. 按名义货币单位计量

    Measurements in nominal monetary units

  6. 2004年俄居民名义货币收入将同比增加16%~18%。

    Its residents ' titular money income will increase by 16 % - 18 % compared with the last year .

  7. 过去20年间,名义货币主导的世界做到了通胀水平适度,并为经济稳定增长提供了支撑。

    Over the past two decades , a world of fiat money has supplied modest inflation and supported stable growth .

  8. 名义货币增长率的提高在短期内会降低名义利率,但在长期内会提高名义利率。

    An increase in nominal money growth decreases nominal interest rates in the short run , but increase them in the long run .

  9. 经验结论还表明这一时期货币供给主要是内生决定的,预期价格上涨导致名义货币供给几乎同比例增长。

    It is also found that the money supply was endogenous , i.e. , it grew with almost the same speed as that of the inflation expectations .

  10. 名义货币不仅仅没有什么特别的价值,而且在商品的交换中它本身根本没有价值。它拥有的只是法律所赋予它的价值。

    Fiat money has not only no particular value in use , it doesn 't even really hxdye a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would hxdye .

  11. 故而可把名义货币下的历史成本计量称为历史成本计量模式,把名义货币下的重置成本、可变现净值、现值、公允价值统称为现值计量模式。

    So the historical cost measurement currency of nominal money is called historical cost measurement model , the currency replacement cost , net realisable value , present value and fair value of nominal money collectively are referred to as present value measurement model .

  12. 指出如下观点:林地资产应确认为不动产的固定资产,林地使用权转让应确认为无形资产,林地资产的计量模式应选择名义货币作为计量单位,历史成本或公允价值应作为其计量基础。

    In respect of recognition and measurement , forestland asset should be regard as fixed asset , and converting forestland right should be regard as intangible asset . Module of forestland asset measurement should be made of nominal monetary unit and historical cost or fair value basis .

  13. 但欧洲央行放任了名义GDP和货币供给(一般认为这是其政策的第二支柱)的停滞。

    Yet the ECB has permitted nominal GDP and the money supply ( supposedly , the second pillar of its policies ) to stagnate .

  14. SC公司用名义上(货币条件)的12%的税后资本成本进行投资评价。

    SC Co uses a nominal ( money terms ) after-tax cost of capital of12 % for investment appraisal purposes .

  15. 名义(或货币)利率

    Nomlnal ( or money ) interest rate

  16. 通货膨胀的意思是,按人口的名义收入或货币收入的增长比按人口的实际产量的增长要快。

    Inflation means that nominal or money incomes per head is rising faster than real output per head .

  17. 这样能够在贴近中国现实的动态一般均衡框架下分析实际冲击与名义冲击对货币流通速度和产出的影响。

    Thus we can study the effects of real and nominal shocks on velocity and output in a general equilibrium framework closed to China 's realities .

  18. 名义价格粘性是货币产出效应产生的微观原因。

    The nominal price stickiness is the micro reasons for the money output effect .