
mínɡ yì lì lǜ
  • Nominal interest rate;nominal rate of interest
  1. 通货膨胀会更低,因此名义利率换算成实际利率会更具吸引力。

    Inflation would be lower and so nominal rates would be rather more attractive in real terms

  2. 凭经验,我们知道可以将名义利率与名义gdp进行比较。

    One rule of thumb is to compare nominal interest rates to nominal GDP .

  3. Fisher修正效应中的利息所得税与名义利率

    Interest Income Taxation and Nominal Interest Rate in the Revised Fisher Effect

  4. 其原因在于Fed模型的拥护者将E/P跟名义利率进行比较来判断股市估值是否合理。

    The cause is that the Fed model advocates the comparison of market E / P with nominal interest rate and assert whether the stock market value is fair .

  5. 对比10年期美国国债和10年期财政部通胀保值债券(Tips)的利率,支持长期名义利率上升源于通胀预期的解释。

    Comparing the interest rates on 10-year Treasuries with the interest rates for 10-year Treasury inflation protected securities ( Tips ) supports this inflation explanation for the rise in long-term nominal rates .

  6. 泰勒本人就创建了一项很有影响的货币政策规则。根据这项规则,央行应根据实际通胀率或GDP偏离目标通胀率或潜在GDP的程度,相应地调整名义利率。

    And Taylor himself created an influential monetary policy rule , which stipulates how much a central bank should change the nominal interest rate in response to divergences of actual inflation rates or gross domestic product from target inflation and potential GDP .

  7. 瑞银(UBS)表示,在不包括日本在内的亚洲地区,平均实际利率名义利率减去通货膨胀率已经为-1.7%,远低于10年前亚洲金融危机前后的水平。

    Real interest rates – the nominal interest rate minus the rate of inflation – are already negative by an average 1.7 per cent in Asia excluding Japan , according to UBS , well below the level both before and after the Asian financial crisis of a decade ago .

  8. 股票需求主要受资金供给的影响,与经济增长的关联度不高,对实际利率和和名义利率不敏感,M0和居民储蓄存款分别对股票需求有显著的正效用和负效用。

    Demand of stocks is mainly affected by money supply , but has not high correlation with economic growth and is not sensitive with the real or nominal interest rates . M0 has significant positive effects , and savings deposits have negative effects on the stock demand .

  9. 名义利率在长时期内保持在极低水平。

    Nominal interest rates stayed incredibly low for a long time .

  10. 货币供应量的变化会影响短期名义利率的变化。

    Changes in the money supply affect the short-term nominal interest rate .

  11. 在通货紧缩的经济体中,实际利率高于名义利率。

    Under deflation , real interest rates are higher than nominal ones .

  12. 对名义利率和实际利率的再认识

    A New Definition to Nominal Rate and Real Rate

  13. 这带来了较低的名义利率。

    This then has delivered low nominal interest rates .

  14. 什么时候我们才能看到实际利率和名义利率出现持续上升?

    When will we see an enduring rise in real and nominal interest rates ?

  15. 名义利率与通货膨胀:对我国费雪效应的再检验&基于门限回归模型分析

    Nominal Interest Rates and Inflation : A Re-examination of the Fisher Effect in China

  16. 名义利率能作为我国通货膨胀的指示器吗?

    Can Nominal Interest Rates Be Used as the Inflation Indicator of Our Country ?

  17. 名义利率或票面利率为固定利率债券。

    The Nominal rate or coupon rate is the fixed interest rate on the bond .

  18. 名义利率相当高,这提高了资本成本。

    And at least nominally , interest rates are quite high , raising capital costs .

  19. 名义利率与各层次货币需求之间具有负相关关系;

    The nominal interest rate is negative as related to every level of the monetary demand ;

  20. 央行最终将不得不大幅提高名义利率,以便使市场恢复稳定。

    The central bank would eventually have to raise nominal rates aggressively to bring back stability .

  21. 我国名义利率调整机制与货币政策流动性陷阱检验

    China 's Nominal Interest Rate Adjustment Mechanism and " Liquidity Trap " Test of Monetary Policies

  22. 调控货币数量和名义利率水平是治理通货膨胀的两大举措。

    Controlling money quantity and nominal interest rate are the two ways of dealing with inflation .

  23. 但正是汇率、名义利率等金融因素的引入使名义冲击的动态调整更为丰富、更贴近现实。

    But though introducing these financial factors , we will find a more complicated and rich dynamics .

  24. 在一个周期内,如果只计一次复利,那么有效利率与名义利率是相同的。

    The effective and nominal rates are the same if you compound only once in a period .

  25. 这可能意味着,名义利率会在长得令人感到不安的一段时期内,远远维持在6%以上。

    This might imply nominal interest rates significantly above 6 per cent for an uncomfortably long period .

  26. 即使实际利率并不是太低,但这里的关键在于名义利率。

    Even if real interest rates are not excessively low , what matters here are nominal rates .

  27. 这场旷日持久的战役导致名义利率屡创新高。

    One consequence of this prolonged fight is that nominal interest rates have been raised off the floor .

  28. 目前债券收益率除以名义利率由目前的市场价格计算。

    The current yield on a bond is calculated by dividing the nominal rate by the current market price .

  29. 在维持实际利率不变的通货膨胀中,征收利息所得税会造成名义利率升高。

    During the inflation , the collecting of the interest income tax causes the nominal interest rate to rise .

  30. 即使短期名义利率接近于零,实际利率略呈负值,信贷成本仍居高不下。

    Even though short-term nominal rates are near zero and real rates are slightly negative , credit costs remain high .