
mínɡ yì ɡōnɡ zī
  • nominal wages
  1. 或许还意味着以法律手段一次性调整名义工资。

    It may also mean legal means for adjusting nominal wages , on a one-off basis .

  2. 此外,如果名义工资的确下降,债务负担将变得比预期的还要糟糕。

    Moreover , if nominal wages did fall , the debt burden would become worse than forecast .

  3. 名义工资粘性有利于解释名义价格粘性。

    The nominal wage stickiness is good for explaining the nominal price stickiness .

  4. 工业工人每日平均名义工资指数

    Index of Nominal Average Daily Wages for Industrial Workers

  5. 不完全竞争市场是名义工资粘性和名义价格粘性存在的前提。

    The imperfectly competitive market is the premise of nominal wage and price stickiness .

  6. 首先,名义工资粘性的存在决定了名义价格粘性的存在。

    First , the nominal wage stickiness determined the existence of the nominal price stickiness ;

  7. 其次,虽然实际工资似乎具备下调的弹性,但名义工资的下调弹性却较小。

    Second , while real wages seem to be downwardly flexible , nominal wages are less so .

  8. 俄罗斯国家统计局表示,2月份俄罗斯平均名义工资为36620卢布。

    The average nominal salary in Russia was 36,620 roubles in February , according to the state statistics agency .

  9. 因为它们可以通过使名义工资上调的幅度低于通胀率来达到降低实际工资的目的。

    As they can so that the nominal wage increases below the inflation rate to achieve lower real wages .

  10. 长期来看,高失业率伴以市场化改革,应该会推动名义工资下滑。

    In the long run , high unemployment , aided by market-oriented reforms , should drive down nominal wages .

  11. 第四,无论过去还是现在,日本的工资都是可以浮动的,名义工资可上可下。

    Fourth , Japan had ( and has ) flexible wages downward in nominal terms as well as upward .

  12. 他的名义工资是每周15英镑,但是他还有几英镑的额外收入。

    His nominal wage is fifteen pounds a week , but he makes a few pounds more on the side .

  13. 作为回报,处于困境的国家必须下定决心,降低名义工资,推行财政紧缩计划。

    In return , weak countries would need to commit themselves to falling nominal wages and a programme of fiscal retrenchment .

  14. 德国的名义工资实际上被冻结,今后几年只会上调很少的百分点。

    Nominal wages are effectively frozen , and are set to rise by only small percentages in the next few years .

  15. 为了实现增长,爱沙尼亚的名义工资已大幅萎缩,使今年的单位劳动力成本降低了7%。

    To get there , nominal wages have shrunk enough to bring unit labour costs down by 7 per cent this year .

  16. 他发现,从2001年至2005年日本经济复苏气渐,名义工资实际上下降了6%。

    He found that , from 2001 to 2005 , when the economy was recovering , nominal wages actually fell 6 per cent .

  17. 由于相当长的时间里,名义工资上升普遍低于价格上升幅度,且差距明显。

    Because of a very long time , nominal wage generally lower than the price rise up , and the gap is obvious .

  18. 这一过程本身就意味着裁员、名义工资下降,这些都是导致失业率上升、社会动荡和债权人不安的因素。

    It will itself generate a mixture of labour-shedding with falling nominal wages – a recipe for unemployment , unrest and creditor unease .

  19. 我的名义工资是5000元,听起来似乎不少,可是还是月月光。

    My nominal wage is 5000 yuan . Though it sounds like a great amount , but I still spend it all every month .

  20. 丸山义正说,名义工资的上涨可能会对消费者心态有正面影响。

    ' It could have a positive impact on the mind-set of consumers if people see increases in their nominal wages , ' Mr. Maruyama said .

  21. 但是,它还希望削减名义工资增幅,以抵消大宗商品价格上涨带来的通胀影响,即便这可能导致显著放缓吗?

    But would it also wish to reduce nominal wage rises , to offset the inflationary impact of the rise in commodity prices , even if that risked a significant slowdown ?

  22. 但是,尽管西班牙的失业率已达25%,该国自本次危机以来的名义工资增幅却仍不低于德国(见表格)。

    But , even with unemployment at 25 per cent of the labour force , nominal wages have risen little less than in Germany since the crisis ( see chart ) .

  23. 当通胀率降到较低水平时,由于降低名义工资水平受到的阻力使得对劳动市场的调整变得更加困难。

    When the inflation rate down to a lower level , due to lower wages in the name of the resistance by making adjustments in the labor market has become more difficult .

  24. 根据欧元区的原始设计方案,危机原本可能、也应该造成的结果是融资断绝、经济深度萧条、名义工资水平下降和大规模违约,并在经历几年劫难之后开始复苏。

    What could and , in the original design of the eurozone , should have happened was no financing , a huge depression , falling nominal wages , mass defaults and , after years of devastation , recovery .

  25. 它在劳动力价值、劳动生产率、相对剩余价值、相对工资、名义工资、实际工资、价格、资本积累、劳动力供求和工资争议等一系列经济范畴上全面分析了市场经济的工资运动规律。

    The wage theory thoroughly reveals the wage motion regularity concerning a series of categories , such as labour value , labour productivity , relative surplus value , relative wage , nominal wage in terms of market economy .

  26. 在第一阶段,筹集的资金用于支付这个人的名义工资和开销,这个阶段有时达数年时间,与此同时他们寻找一个他们认为自己可使其增值的收购目标。

    In the first stage , money is raised to pay the individual a nominal salary and expenses , sometimes for several years , while they hunt for an acquisition target in which they believe they can add value .

  27. 此外,受影响的国家还会遭受债务通缩(debtdeflation):随着名义价格和工资不断降低,以欧元计价的实际债务负担将会加重。

    Moreover , the affected country would also suffer debt deflation : with falling nominal prices and wages , the real burden of debt denominated in euros will rise .

  28. 高失业率是压低名义及实际工资水平的主要原因。

    High unemployment was the mechanism for driving nominal and real wages down .

  29. 但在最糟糕的情况下,要努力降低名义价格和工资,或许需要一次漫长的低迷。

    Yet , at worst , a lengthy slump might be needed to grind out a reduction in nominal prices and wages .

  30. 1997至2002年,日本饱受衰退折磨的6年里,日本的名义周薪平均每年下降1.25%。从2002年到现在,日本的(平均)名义工资仍在继续下降,只不过下降的速度更为缓慢。

    In the six years from 1997 , as recession hit , average nominal weekly wages fell by 1.25 per cent a year – and they have continued to fall ( on average ) since then , though more slowly .