
  1. 名牌经济:市场经济的永恒主题

    Famous-brand Economy : Eternal Theme of Market Economy

  2. 中国老字号品牌具有深厚的文化底蕴,是中国文明与中华商业文化的重要载体,是中国名牌经济的重要力量,具有很强的历史文化价值和经济价值。

    China time-honored brand has a long history , contains Chinese civilization and commercial value , and becomes an important power of Chinese famous brand economy .

  3. 本文首先从企业集团的特征入手,分析了现代企业集团的实质;其次,从制度和文化两个层面,分析了现代企业集团的组织经济性和名牌经济。

    Starting from the characteristics of modern group company , this paper analyses it nature its economics of organization and economics of famous brand on the levels of system and culture .

  4. 中国名牌:经济的支撑点

    Chinese Famous Brand : Economy Supporting Point

  5. 首先,运用生产函数模型分析确定了名牌对经济增长的贡献,说明名牌已经成为促进经济发展的一个重要因素。

    First of all , use the production function model to analyse that has fixed contributing to economic growth of famous brand , prove that the famous brand has already become an important factor of bringing about an advance in economy .

  6. 名牌:区域经济发展助推器

    Famous - brand , the Booster for Regional Economy Development

  7. 名牌战略与甘肃经济发展

    The Brand Name Strategy and Gansu Economic Development

  8. 实施名牌战略发展品牌经济

    Implementing name brand strategy and developing brand economy

  9. 名牌产品造就品牌经济

    Famous Brand Products Produce Famous BRAND ECONOMY

  10. 创立名牌、保护名牌、发展名牌已成为各国经济发展中的重要一环。

    It becomes an important ring in countries economic development to found , protect and develop famous brand .

  11. 与国外名牌产品相比,我国餐饮名牌产品潜在的经济和社会效益远没有发挥出来。

    Compared with famous bands of foreign countries , the potential economic and social benefits of our bands are not brought into play .

  12. 通过分析社会主义市场经济下名牌产品的基本特征,阐述了实施名牌战略对于中国经济发展的重要意义,从宏观和微观的角度提出了我国发展名牌战略的设想。

    Through analyzing on the basic features of the famous brand products in the socialist market economy , this paper expounds the important significance of implementing the famous brand strategy on Chinese economic development , and advances some presumptions of developing Chinese famous brand strategy from macroscopic and microscopic angles .

  13. 名牌产品以其自身的高品质、高信誉、高知名度、高市场占有率和高效益赢得市场和用户,随着实施名牌战略的深入和中国加入WTO,名牌产品战略正在向名牌经济战略引伸和拓展。

    Famous-brand Products win the market and users with their high quality , high prestige , high popularity , high occupation rate of market and high benefits . With the deepening movement of China into WTO , the strategy of famous-brand products is amplifying and expanding towards the famous-brand economy .