
  • 网络nongovernmental interest rate
  1. 非正规金融市场:反应性还是自主性?&基于温州民间利率的经验研究

    Informal Financial Market : Reactive or Autonomous & An Empirical Study on Interest Rate of Informal Financial Market in Wenzhou

  2. 农村民间金融利率浅析

    Analysis of the Interest Rate of the Nongovernmental Finance in Rural of China

  3. 对民间借贷利率的研究具有重要的现实意义,首先,对中小企业的长远发展的意义。

    First of all , it has the significance of long-term development of SMEs .

  4. 吉林省农户与非农户及各地区民间借贷利率分析

    The Non-Government Finance Interest Rate of Peasant Household and Non-Peasant Household in Jilin Province

  5. 在此基础上提出了民间借贷利率及其影响因素的一般性假说。

    On this basis we proposed the general hypothesis of private lending interest rates and their impact factors .

  6. 第一部分首先对民间借贷利率管制中涉及的关键词汇予以解释分析,理清各概念之间的关系。

    The first part involved analysis on key terms in the usury laws by clarifying the relationship between the concepts .

  7. 利率是金融市场的核心因素,而民间借贷利率是反映民间融资市场的资金供求关系和资金价格的关键指标,对民间金融功能的发挥起着关键作用。

    As interest rate is the core element of the financial markets , private lending rate is a key role in the function of private finance .

  8. 温州民间借贷利率与金融信贷传导机制分析固定利率匹配融资贷款:世界银行贷给国际金融公司的两种固定利率贷款之一。

    Analysis Transfer Mechanics between Rates in Wenzhou ′ s People-to-people Borrow-or-Lend Market and Financial Credit Fund fixed rate matched funding loan : One of two types of fixed rate loans made by the Bank to IFC .

  9. 然而单独取消民间借贷利率上限,推行民间借贷利率市场化而无完善的配套法律法规的话,可能会引发经济动荡,甚至导致经济衰退。

    However , cancel the private lending interest rate cap alone , carry out the private lending interest rate marketization and no perfect supporting laws and regulations , may cause economic instability , or even lead to economic recession .

  10. 融资成本居高不下,除却偏高的银行贷款利率、奇高的中间费用,畸高的民间借贷利率也是推升小微企业融资成本帮凶。

    Fourthly , the cost of financing is expensive , apart from the high rate of bank loans , the high cost of the middle , high private loan interest rate is also pushing up the small and micro businesses financing cost .

  11. 因此,民间借贷利率的水平及决定机制对民间金融的经济绩效具有重要影响。

    Private lending rate level and the decision-making mechanism of it has a very important influence in the economic performance of private financial . Moreover , private lending rate is decided by the bargaining process of the demanders and suppliers in the private lending market .

  12. 东北地区农村民间金融的利率特征及其成因分析

    The Causes and Characteristics of the Interest Rate in Northeast China 's Rural Non-Government Finance

  13. 银根收紧,个人借贷数量有增无减,民间借贷的利率至今持续走高。

    In spite of tightening liquidity , private loans are still increasing and their interest rates are climbing .

  14. 近年来我国居民储蓄增长速度加快,民间投资的利率弹性有下降趋势。

    In the past years , the deposit of Chinese has been increasing rapidly and the interest elasticity of civilian investment has been decreasing .

  15. 民间金融市场的利率机制和监管对策

    A Study of Interest Rate Mechanism and Supervision Policies of Informal Financial Market

  16. 唐代民间信用借贷之利率问题&敦煌吐鲁番出土借贷契券研究

    Problems of the Interest Rate of Nongovernmental Credit in the Tang Dynasty-Research on loan deeds found at Dunhuang and Turfan

  17. 特别是一些缺少现金的开发商被迫从民间借贷的年利率高达40%。

    Especially cash-strapped developers are forced to borrow from the domestic curb market at annual interest rates as high as40 % .

  18. 作为最敏感的信贷状况风向标,民间借贷目前的利率水平已到达历史最高水平的每月6%(见温州报道)。

    In China 's underground lending market , the most sensitive indicator of credit conditions , kerbside rates have reached extortionate levels of as much as6 % a month ( see our report from Wenzhou ) .

  19. 在中国目前的转型和发展中,金融体系的结构和效率至关重要,逐步形成市场经济的信用秩序和债信文化,放开民间金融和推进利率市场化是无法回避的选择。

    Now , the hazard of structure and efficiency of financial markets are the key to China 's current transition and development , the development of private financial system and the liberation of interest rates is the inevitable choice .

  20. 结合我国目前民间投资现状,从实证的立场出发,要促进民间投资利率弹性的提高,使降息政策充分发挥启动民间投资的作用,必须改善相关的市场环境。

    With a practical standpoint , we must make the environment of market perfect so as to rise the elasticity of interest and fully develop the function of the reduction policy of interest .

  21. 鉴于对民间金融的浓厚兴趣和长期以来积累的理论知识,本文对我国民间金融高利率现象进行研究。

    On the base of theoretical knowledge and the interest in private finance , in this paper , we make a research on the high interest rate of private finance in China .

  22. 而当前关于民间金融问题的研究,大多沉湎于民间金融与民营经济发展之间的关系,对民间金融高利率现象给予较少的关注。

    Now most researches on the problem of private finance pay attention to the relationship between private finance and privately operated economy , but not to the phenomenon of high interest rate of private finance .