
  • 网络internal public
  1. 高校公共关系的对象分为内部公众和外部公众,二者相辅相成,对高校发展都至关重要。

    The objects of public relations for higher colleges and universities are divided into internal public and external public .

  2. 内部公众对本公司营销形象的评价比较高,在营销形象的每个维度上的平均分都大于2.5。

    Internal public had high evaluation on the marketing image of their enterprise . Every average score of five dimensions of marketing images was higher than 2.5.3 .

  3. 内部公众的收入主效应显著,表现为随着年龄的增加,对价格的

    There is significant difference in the main effect of income

  4. 重庆市高新技术企业形象内部公众认知研究及提升策略

    Investigation on Internal Evaluation and Improving Strategy to High-tech Enterprises ' Corporate Identity in Chongqing

  5. 第三部分,提出了企业公共关系的新经济发展策略。包括网络公关策略、内部公众管理策略、外部公众的沟通协调策略及公共关系的国际化与民族化发展策略。

    In part three , it mainly offers some new corporate Public Relations development strategies under the situation of new economy based on statement mentioned above , including internet PR strategy , inner public management strategy , external communication strategy and internationalized and domestic strategy .

  6. 对环境行政处罚裁量基准的司法监督、行政内部监督、公众监督进行了分析,提出了完善的建议。

    Suggestions for improvement is raised based on the analysis of judicial supervision , administrative internal supervision and public inspection .

  7. 同时,运动员要有公关意识,学会与其周围的各种内部、外部公众建立良好的关系,以提高自身的美誉度,塑造良好的公众形象。

    Athletes must have PR-minded and establish a good relationship in order to improve their own reputation and create a good public image .

  8. 但萨钦与宾尼——如同在公司内部以及为公众所熟知的那样——仍保持着密切的关系——甚至成了更铁杆的盟友。

    But Sachin and Binny , as they are widely known in-side the company and by the public , remain close , or even closer .

  9. “占领华尔街”运动最好还是继续远离摩天大楼和委员会办公室,坚持在边缘地带露营,以提醒内部人士注意公众的愤怒。

    Better for occupy Wall Street to remain outside the skyscrapers and committee rooms and instead keep camping on the edge , reminding the insiders of popular outrage .

  10. 在美国,萨班斯法案的出台力图通过强制性信息披露,来使内部控制置于公众监督之下,取得了一定的成效。

    In the U.S. , Sarbanes-Oxley Act sought by the introduction of mandatory information disclosure , to make the public place under the supervision of internal control , and it had achieved certain results .

  11. 因此电子政务系统必须同时考虑政府内部网络和面向公众服务网络安全。

    So the E-government system must consider both of the government internal network and the public service network security .

  12. 本研究考察了内部自我意识和公众自我意识的双高组和双低组对评价性信息和情绪性信息的加工特征。

    This study investigated the private self-consciousness and public self-consciousness of the double-high group and double-low group of evaluative information and emotional features of information processing .

  13. 应加强危机指挥部门内部及其与灾区公众、与政府职能部门、与社区和国际社会、与媒体等方面的信息沟通。

    Crisis information communication should be promoted among crisis command organizations , and between crisis command organizations and functional departments , the people in a stricken area , community and international community , media and so on .

  14. 在此基础上,本文提出改进政府信息公开的建议:树立渐进改革目光,修改相关信息法律,创新政府内部机构,提升公众信息素养。

    On this basis , this paper presents recommendations to improve government information disclosure : to establish the attention of progressive reform , to modify the information law , to innovate the government agencies and to enhance the information literacy of public .

  15. 最后,本文从政府内部、政府与公众、政府与媒体以及动员社会其他力量参与危机的沟通等四个层面对如何优化政府在公共危机事件中的沟通提出了对策性建议。

    At the end , we raised from four aspects such as the government , the government and the public , government and the media , social mobilization of other forces involved in crisis communication on how to optimize the communication strategy and suggestions .

  16. 新世纪,伴随政府职能转变及公众综合素质提高等客观环境发生的深刻变化,电子政务呈现出从重视内部建设逐渐面向公众,从重视管理转为强调服务的发展取向。

    In the new century , with the significant change of social environment , such as the shift of governmental function and the enhancement of the public comprehensive quality , E-Government gradually develops from internal building to open to the public , and shift the focus from management to service .

  17. 此外,应建立有效的内部运作机制,妥善处理内部公众关系,增强办学活力。

    Furthermore , effective mechanism should be set up to deal well with internal public relations and strengthen the power of vocational colleges .