
  • 网络community public
  1. 电子政府与社区公众服务系统建立。

    The relation between electronic government and the establishment of community public service system .

  2. 会议将讨论社区公众对当地供水问题的担心。

    Community concerns about the local water supply will be discussed at the meeting .

  3. 注重政府服务质量,增强为社会、社区公众服务意识,是20世纪80年代以来重振政府活力这一世界性思考中的重要内容。

    Attaching importance to the government service quality and reinforcing the conciousness to serve the society and the community , these constitute the worldwide trend in promoting government 's vigor .

  4. 以上海地区节水型社区公众调查为例,结果显示居民家庭用水较为浪费,节水意识与相关措施有待加强。

    The questionnaire survey of water consumption and water saving in typical Shanghai residential areas shows that the consciousness of water conservation should be strengthened among people , and more related measures are to be made to decrease the waste of household water use .

  5. 通过诸如SabryCorp的in2nano等项目的对话可能有助于让当地社区和公众参与。

    Dialogues through campaigns such as SabryCorp 's in2nano can help get local communities and the general public on board .

  6. 气候保护有助于达到社区的公众健康、经济发展和生活质量目标。

    Climate protection can address communities ' public health , economic , and quality of life objectives .

  7. 为什么要活在恐惧当中?恐惧那些诸如你是否会在你的职场或社区获得公众的认可?

    Why live in fear about things such as whether you will gain public recognition in your profession or community ?

  8. 论文分析了社区服务公众满意度测评的过程,提出社区服务公众满意度测评实施框架和模型测评的流程。

    This paper analyzes the process of Community Service Public Satisfaction Measurement , constructs an evaluation implementation framework and the evaluating flow of the model .

  9. 北京理工大学的法律学教授徐鑫表示,要求旧社区向公众开放道路是不合理和不合法的。

    Xu Xin , a law professor from the Beijing Institute of Technology , said that demanding old communities to open roads to the public was " unreasonable and illegal . "

  10. 来自美国一流高校的80多位利益相关方赞成这项提议。此外,耶鲁大学也将会于明年的申请书上附加一道问答题,要求申请者“提出他们对家庭、社区或公众的参与和贡献”

    More than 80 stakeholders from first-tier colleges and universities have endorsed it . Yale University will be adding an essay question on next year 's application that will ask applicants " to reflect on engagement with and contribution to their family , community and / or the public good . "

  11. 社区图书馆服务公众满意度测评研究

    A Study on Public Satisfaction Evaluation for Community Library Services

  12. 上海市长宁社区卫生服务公众满意度评价

    The assessment on public satisfaction on community health care in Changning District

  13. 影响者市场:主要包括细分市场的政府、社区及其他公众。

    ( iv ) affected market : including government , community and public .

  14. 社会资本社区规划及公众参与

    Social capital : community planning and public participation

  15. 社区规划的公众参与机制

    The Public Participation Mechanism in Community Planning

  16. 新闻评论在很大程度上创造了一个公正化的言论社区,为公众在社会公共领域里发言提供了一个场所。

    News Reviews has created a faire discussion community , providing people the opportunity of commenting on public affaires .

  17. 中国城市社区建设中的公众参与

    Public Participation in the Construction of Urban Community in China

  18. 城市社区发展中的公众参与与社会和谐&对上海和洛杉矶的比较研究

    Public Participation and Social Harmony in Municipal Community Development & A Comparison between Shanghai and Los Angeles

  19. 在艾拉泽,土耳其东部城市,一群暴民袭击库尔德人社区,导致了公众间的冲突暴力。

    In Elazig , an eastern city , a mob attacked a Kurdish neighbourhood , raising the spectre of inter-communal violence .

  20. 调查公众参与城市规划最真实的态度和意愿,探讨如何在社区建立社区规划师制度减少公众参与成本、实现规划效益最大化。

    This article investigates the most real attitude and wish of public participation in the urban planning , and discusses how to establish the community planning teacher system which aims to reduce the cost of the community participation and realize the maximum planning benefit .

  21. 利用服务型的社区公关活动感化人心,获取好评,使社区与公众之间关系更加融洽、和谐,为社区提高社会信誉。

    Service-oriented community public relation activities shall be utilized to influence attitudes of resident and obtain favorable recognition , so as to establish a more pleasing and harmonious relation between communities and the public and improve the social prestige of communities .

  22. 社区居民对社区服务的需求越来越多,期望越来越高,社区服务日益成为公众关注的焦点。

    Community service increasingly becomes the focus of pubic concern due to the gradually escalating demands and ever-rising expectations for community service of the community inhabitant .

  23. 然后,提出绿色社区参与途径与实施方法,指出当前规划作为平衡社会利益的工具在面对公平与效益的困惑,揭示了当前社区公众参与的现状与缺陷,并针对绿色社区规划设计公众参与提出建议。

    Fourthly , the paper points out the implementing mechanism and ways to balance social interests as current planning tools of justice and efficiency in the face of confusion , and proposes public participation in green community planning and design .