
shè huì zǒnɡ chǎn pǐn
  • total social product;gross social product
  1. 社会主义社会总产品

    Socialist aggregate social product

  2. 我们都知道,社会总产品包括两个部分,资本品和消费品,而收入也分为两个部分,消费和储蓄。

    As we all know , the goods can be divided into two parts , capital goods and consumption goods .

  3. 马克思的有效供给理论主要包括三个方面,即商品有效供给的必要前提、社会总产品的有效供给和出口产品的有效供给。

    The theory mainly includes three parts , e.g. the necessary prerequisite of effective supply , effective supply of social total products and effective supply of export products .

  4. 社会总产品实现的基本条件是社会生产两大部类保持一定的比例和平衡关系。

    The basic condition of realizing the total social production is to maintain a balanced relationship within a certain ratio between the two major categories of social production .

  5. 这一理论以社会总产品为出发点,以社会总产品的实现为核心,论证了社会总资本再生产必须具备的条件。

    With the total social production as the departure point and its realization as the core theme , the theory demonstrated the necessary conditions of the reproduction of the general social capital .