
  • 网络publics;external public
  1. 国家形象是一国的外部公众对该国相对稳定的总体评价。

    National image is the overall perception of a certain nation hold by foreign publics .

  2. 同时,联通用户与非联通用户之间、不同职业的外部公众之间对联通公司外在形象的认知具有显著差异。

    Meanwhile , the results show that there are significant differences in cognition between China Unicom users and non-Unicom users , publics with different occupations as well .

  3. 沟通外部公众时医院要注意协调好医患关系、与政府及相关职能部门的关系、与社区和新闻媒介的关系。

    For external relations , the hospital should deal with patient , government , society and medium .

  4. 高校公共关系的对象分为内部公众和外部公众,二者相辅相成,对高校发展都至关重要。

    The objects of public relations for higher colleges and universities are divided into internal public and external public .

  5. 而外部公众对其服务最为满意,其次是质量、性能、外观等。

    But the exterior public are satisfied with the service mostly , the following are quality , function and appearance et.

  6. 为了解公众对重庆中小软件企业员工形象的评价与认知,采用自编问卷对360名外部公众进行调查。

    The research investigates the value and cognition of employee image of Chongqing middle and small software companies by the public .

  7. 同时,运动员要有公关意识,学会与其周围的各种内部、外部公众建立良好的关系,以提高自身的美誉度,塑造良好的公众形象。

    Athletes must have PR-minded and establish a good relationship in order to improve their own reputation and create a good public image .

  8. 公共关系强调与社会公众的沟通与利益协调,在关注与外部公众沟通的同时,也强调内部沟通。

    Communication with the public and interest coordination is emphasized in the thought of public relationship , and internal communication is put a high premium as well .

  9. 对重庆本土酒店在外部公众心目中的形象和本土酒店内部员工对酒店形象的认知作调查,指出本土酒店塑造形象的必要性;

    It makes an investigation into the impression of the indigenous hotels in the mind of the public and the realization of the indigenous hotels by the staff .

  10. 摘要本文构建了一个模型,说明在一个非有效程度比较高的证券市场中,公司可以通过发行新股融资侵占外部公众投资者的利益。

    In this paper , we present a model in an inefficient stock market , and find that the company can seize the benefit of new public investors through seasoned equity offerings .

  11. 第三部分,提出了企业公共关系的新经济发展策略。包括网络公关策略、内部公众管理策略、外部公众的沟通协调策略及公共关系的国际化与民族化发展策略。

    In part three , it mainly offers some new corporate Public Relations development strategies under the situation of new economy based on statement mentioned above , including internet PR strategy , inner public management strategy , external communication strategy and internationalized and domestic strategy .

  12. 如何加强高等教育质量管理,保证并提升高等教育质量,化解质量危机,赢得外部公众的信任与支持、赢得长期竞争优势,是教学型大学发展的首要问题。

    How to strengthen quality management of higher education to ensure and enhance the quality of higher education , resolve the quality crisis , win the trust and support of external public and gain long-term competitive advantage , is the primary issue for the development of Teaching University .

  13. 强化外部监督,增强公众监督效力。

    Intensifying external supervision , and enhancing the effectiveness of supervision .

  14. 一次外部袭击常常改变公众对强硬右派的意见。

    An external attack often shifts public opinion to the hard right .

  15. 经济发展所带来的严重外部性问题迫使公众开始对环境危机产生关注,进而凸显出环境行政地位的重要性。

    The serious external problem which followed by the economic development oblige people become to attend the environmental crisis and convex display the importance of the environmental administration .

  16. 作为国家主要经济支柱的上市公司是否拥有丰富的人力资源,不仅仅是企业自身发展壮大的关键;也是外部投资者和社会公众评价公司价值的重要指标之一。

    Owning rich human resources is not only the key of enterprises ' development and growth , but also one of the important evaluating indicators of extended investors and public among listed companies , which are the major national economic pillars .