
wài bì
  • foreign currency
外币 [wài bì]
  • [foreign currency] 外国的货币

外币[wài bì]
  1. 如果经常旅行,找一家能直接兑换外币的旅行社。

    If you travel frequently , find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another .

  2. 你想把你的外币换成人民币吗?

    Would you like to change your foreign currency into Chinese money ?

  3. 外出度假时,在外币取款机上使用银行卡一定要小心。

    Holidaymakers should beware of using plastic cards in foreign cash dispensers .

  4. 你出国时带多少外币?

    How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad ?

  5. 出国人员必须向海关申报其携带出境的外币。

    Those going abroad must declare the amount of foreign currency they are taking with them .

  6. C职员:外币兑换处就在那儿,在航空公司服务柜台的对面。

    Clerk : > The currency exchange is over there , across from the airline service counter .

  7. 加入WTO后我国外币业务会计若干问题的探讨

    Discussion About a Few Problems of Foreign Currency Business Accounting After Entering WTO

  8. 基于UNIXIPC进程通信的外币信用卡POS收单系统的研究与实现

    Study and Application of Foreign Currency Credit Card POS Trade System Based on Unix IPC Interprocess Communication

  9. 更令人振奋的是,Facebook的广告业务收入比去年同期增长了36%,如果刨除外币疲软造成的影响,广告收入同比将达到43%。

    More encouragingly , advertising revenue rose 36 % , and excluding the impact of declining foreign currencies , it would have increased by 43 % .

  10. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)指出,以外币计价的新兴市场企业债券今年的发行量有望超过2007年创纪录的1530亿美元。

    Foreign currency-denominated emerging market corporate bond issuance is on target this year to outpace the record $ 153bn issued in 2007 , according to JPMorgan .

  11. 这与qfii不同,qfii是让海外机构投资者将外币转换为人民币,投资于中国内地。

    This is in contrast to QFII , which allows those same investors to convert foreign currencies into Renminbi to invest in China .

  12. 根据WTO的有关协议,我国入世以后,将逐渐取消对外资银行外币业务、人民币业务、营业许可证等方面的限制。

    According to some related agreements of WTO , limitation on foreign currency business , national currency business , business permission card and so on for foreign capital banks will be cancelled gradually in our country after China join in WTO .

  13. 此外,EverBank还提供外币存款账户。

    Everbank also offers deposit accounts in foreign currencies .

  14. 因此,开发、建设、使用和维护好外币信用卡POS收单系统将是改善我国外币信用卡受理环境的重要任务之一。

    Therefore , development , construction , usage and support the foreign currency credit card Point Of Sells trade processing system will be one of the important missions that is improvement our country foreign currency credit card trade environment .

  15. 人民币资产与外币资产具有不完全替代性。

    RMB assets and foreign currency assets has not completely alternative .

  16. 而这些外币资产与外币负债在期限与规模上经常存在不匹配现象。

    The duration and scale of assets and liabilities often mismatch .

  17. 我在哪儿可以把美元兑换成外币?

    Where can I exchange my American money for foreign money ?

  18. 其仿制的对象既包括人民币,又包括外币,但不包括信用货币。

    The objects include RMB and foreign currency except fiduciary money .

  19. 机场和酒店提供外币兑换服务。

    Money exchange services are available at the airport and hotels .

  20. 您可以把没有用完的人民币兑换成外币。

    You can convert the unused RMB back into foreign currency .

  21. 以外币在境内计价结算的;

    To use foreign exchange in China for pricing or settlement ;

  22. 您到外币兑换处好吗?

    Would you please step over to the foreign exchange service ?

  23. 请登记你所带的外币。

    Would you please make a record of any foreign currency ?

  24. 外币报表折算方法选择的多维分析

    A Multiple Analysis on Choice of Foreign Currency Statements Translation Methods

  25. 借外币的人要应对汇率波动的问题。

    Foreign-currency borrowers may have exchange-rate fluctuations to cope with .

  26. 佛山企业发行外币股票探讨

    On the Issue of Foreign Currency Stock of Foshan Enterprises

  27. 外币财务报表折算方法探讨

    An Exploration of the Foreign Currency Financial Statement Translation Method

  28. 你可以用英镑或外币购买旅行支票。

    You can buy traveller 's cheques in sterling or foreign currency .

  29. 外币兑换机制的改革需要进一步的深化。

    The reform of the foreign currency exchange system needs further deepening .

  30. 快速,方便地转换给予金额高达3外币!

    Quickly and easily convert given amount to up to3 foreign currencies !