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  1. 中国人民银行将在深圳、成都、苏州、雄安以及2022年冬奥部分场景开展数字人民币试点。

    The People 's Bank of China , the central bank , is testing its digital currency in Shenzhen , Chengdu , Suzhou , Xiong'an and some areas where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held .

  2. 数字人民币钱包功能最近被激活,网商银行成为电子钱包的运营商之一。

    The digital yuan wallet feature was recently activated and MYbank is already among the operators of the e-wallet .

  3. 由蚂蚁集团支持的网商银行已正式开始允许其用户将自已的账户与中国数字人民币应用程序相关联。

    MYbank , which is backed by Ant Group , has officially begun allowing its users to link their accounts with the Chinese digital yuan app .

  4. 美国的政客们甚至借这一数字来要求中国人民币的增值。

    American politicians have even cited the index in their demands for a big appreciation of the Chinese yuan .