
  • 网络Digital Learning
  1. 如今数字学习系统对学生完成课程作业、测验和提交作业所需的访问代码进行收费。

    Digital learning systems now charge students for access codes needed to complete coursework , take quizzes , and turn in homework .

  2. 以学习理论探讨基于全球标准数字学习与测评的系统架构及有效学习模式的实证分析

    An Exploration of IC ~ 3 Digital Learning and Test Platform Based on Global ICT Standard from Learning Theories

  3. 讲述了在基于Web服务技术的分布式学习环境中如何构造一个分布式的个性化数字学习环境。

    This paper shows how to realize personalized learning support in distributed learning environment based on web services technologies .

  4. 在建立服务代理的功能模型的基础上,构造了一种基于多移动Agent的个性化数字学习(E-Learning)框架模型,阐述了其工作流程并进行了结构分析;

    After establishing a model of the services agent , the paper constructs a framework model of personally E-Learning based on mobile agents and expresses its workflow and structures .

  5. 当今信息社会,数字学习是一个重要研究领域。

    In the information society , e-learning is an important research field .

  6. 欧盟高等教育数字学习计划的成效与经验

    On the Performance and Experience of Implementing E-learning Programs in Higher Education in European Union

  7. 数字学习系统中,为了评估学生的学习成效,在线测试是一个重要组成部分。

    In the e-teaching and learning system , online testing is a very important way to evaluate students ' learning performance .

  8. 随着移动终端和无线网络的迅速发展,移动学习继数字学习之后成为又一研究热点。

    With the development of Mobile and Wireless Network technology , Mobile learning ( M-learning ) becomes a hot research topic after E-Learning .

  9. 电子辞典是一种将传统的印刷辞典转成数码方式、进行快速查询的数字学习工具。

    Electronic Dictionary is a kind of digital learning tool , which transforms traditional printed dictionary into a digital way to query rapidly .

  10. 该工程坚持围绕中心工作、整合涉农资源、培训农村群众、建立覆盖农村的数字学习网络的总体思路,旨在为发展现代农业和社会主义新农村提供智力支撑和人才保障。

    The project adheres to the general idea of integrating agriculture-related resources , training farmers and covering the establishment of the digital learning network in rural areas based on the central work .

  11. 三分之二的受访者表示政府应该强调基础的文学学习和数字学习,42%的人希望学生能有更多的职业选择,而46%的人称总体提升整个教育水平才是关键。

    Two thirds said the government should focus on basic literacy and numeracy , 42 % wanted more high quality vocational options for students and 46 % said raising overall education standards should be a priority .

  12. 自助外语教学法以造就和培养能力人为目标,强调教育与发展的责任对受教育者的回归,注重自主学习、数字学习和多变量研究,从真正意义上重视和发挥学习者的主体性作用。

    Self-service Approach in the TEFL context targets the training of " competent personnel ", stressing the regression of educating and developing responsibility to the education receivers and the studies on autonomous learning , e-learning and variables , therefore allows full play to the learners ' subjectivity in learning .

  13. 基于ARM与DSP双核控制的数字语音学习系统研究

    Research on the Digital Radio-teaching System Based on ARM and DSP

  14. 本论文中建立的数字语言学习系统终端主要由采用80186内核的处理器、以太网控制器、MP3编/解码器、USB接口芯片等组成。

    The terminal is mainly made up of a CPU based on 80186 core 、 Ethernet controller 、 MP3 encoder / decoder 、 USB interface unit , etc.

  15. 在100M以太网络环境下,数字化语音室中数据传输要达到《数字语言学习系统技术规范》甲类标准,按传统的TCP/IP协议方式是行不通的。

    According to The Rule of Digital Language Study System , a standard , data transport is no way under 100M Ethernet if we used TCP / IP protocols .

  16. 在博物馆、科学中心和展览馆中利用数字技术学习

    Learning with Digital Technologies in Museums , Science Centers and Galleries

  17. 浅谈数字语言学习系统应该实现的功能

    On the Functions of Digital Language Learning System

  18. 据悉约有五分之一的人在与心算作斗争,而二十分之一的人忍受着计算障碍,这是一种涉及数字的学习障碍,与语言障碍类似。

    Around a fifth of the population are thought to struggle with mental arithmetic while one in 20 suffer from dyscalculia – a learning disability involving numbers that is similar to dyslexia .

  19. 之后从网络大学技术的革新、网络大学文化的滋长与数字时代学习网络的构建三个方面对网络大学的发展略作展望;

    Thereafter is a prospect of Internet College 's future development ; the technical innovation of Internet College , its culture development and the structure of a learning net in a digital time ;

  20. 本文概述了国内外数字语言学习系统发展现状,并就它们的发展方向、质量可靠性、市场(用户)的适用性、以及技术方案效果等作了比较和评价。

    Today 's development of digital language lab system in home and abroad was narrated , while its developing direction , quality dependability , market applicability and technological effect were brought into comparison and evaluated .

  21. 基于本体的导航方式能够帮助学习者理清学习概念之间的相互关系,不具备专业知识背景的初学者,可以很容易获得相关学习资源,提高了数字图书馆学习资源中的利用率。

    Ontology-based navigation system can help learners clarify the interrelationship between the learning concepts . In this navigation system , learners do not need background of the knowledge , they can easily access to relevant learning resources . This navigation system can enhance the utilization of digital library learning resources .

  22. 论数字图书馆与学习型社会的同构

    Discussion on the Isomorphism of the Digital Library and the Learning-type Society

  23. 几乎所有的人都能购置相关的数字工具,学习并能掌握它们。

    Almost everyone can afford the necessary digital tools and learn to master them .

  24. 在这样的时代背景下,教育信息化的第二浪潮随之到来,致力于培养数字时代的学习者。

    In this background , the " second wave " of information technology in education along with the arrival of committed to developing the digital age learners .

  25. 研究基于网络平台的协作工作(CSCW)的学习模式,讨论了数字电子技术协作学习的方法。

    This paper studies the mode base on computer supported collaborative work ( CSCW ), and discusses the methods of the Synergetic studying on the digital electronic technology .

  26. 数字图书馆与数字化学习、知识管理&也谈《中国知识资源总库》及CNKI网格资源共享平台、中国知网门户的设计思想

    Digital Library and Digital Study , Knowledge Management Also Discuss the Design Ideal of China Knowledge Resources Integral Databases CNKI Grid Resources Sharing Platform , China Knowledge Network

  27. 身处21世纪NBA时尚潮流中,贝兹利也从新百伦的数字社交团队那儿学习打造自身品牌,甚至在他的ins账户上展示他的实习感悟。

    In true 21st century NBA fashion , Bazley also got to learn about building a personal brand from New Balance 's digital and social teams , even using his Instagram account to provide insight into what his internship was like .

  28. 数字电路多媒体网络学习系统的研究与实现

    The Study And Realization Of Digital Circuit Multimedia Web Leaning System

  29. 面向数字图书馆的本体学习研究

    A study on Ontology Learning for Digital Library

  30. 他说这款法语数字厨房将语言学习过程融入到现实生活经历中。

    He says the French Digital Kitchen turns the process of learning language into a real-life experience .