
  • 网络Adaptive Learning;adapted learning;creative learning
  1. 第一部分引言:分析当前基于Web的学习系统存在的弊端,提出了开发基于Web的适应性学习系统的必要性,概括了基于Web适应性学习系统应该具有的基本功能。

    Then brings forward that it is necessary to design and develop adaptive learning system based on Web , and claim that adaptive learning system should provide with five basic functions . Chap.

  2. 采用贝叶斯网络(BayesianNets)和粒度层次(GranularityHierarchies)方法构建了覆盖型学生模型,为知识前测的出题策略和系统的学生适应性学习提供了依据。

    We constructed student model with Bayesian Nets and Granularity Hierarchies method . They provide basis of strategy of test and student 's adaptive learning .

  3. 本文描述了一个建于www之上的智能自适应软件系统,该系统基本结构类似通常的智能辅助教学系统(ITS),其个别化教学机制是通过适应性学习和掌握学习策略而实现的。

    This paper describes an adaptive intelligent tutoring system ( ITS )

  4. 本文分析了当前基于Web的学习系统存在的缺点,深入研究了基于Web的适应性学习系统的理论基础、规划与设计,学习环境架构和技术实现等方面的内容。

    The research analyzes the disadvantage of learning system based on the Web , and works over the theoretical basis , layout and designing , analysis of module , realization of technology and so on . Chap.

  5. e-Learning这种能满足个性化、适应性学习要求的重要学习方式,要求能协作感知学习者的学习情况,能依据学习情况自动推送个性化学习资源。

    E-Learning can be apperceive the student 's learning and push personality learning resource automatically so that meet the need of personality and adaptability study .

  6. 提出了以完成一次适应性学习任务为目标的多Agent系统并实现了多Agent之间简单的基于FIPA-ACL语言的通信功能。

    We put forward a Multi-Agent system regarding finishing a adaptive study task as the goal and realized the simple communication function based on FIPA-ACL language between Agents .

  7. 这三层结构体现了适应性学习理论的指导思想和引入Multi-Agent技术并结合传统单机环境下智能教学系统中的成熟技术的开发宗旨。

    The three layers structure incarnates guidance of adaptive study theory and principle of introducing Multi-Agent technology and integrating the maturity technology of the intelligent tutoring system in the stand-alone instance .

  8. 适应性学习支持系统:现状、问题与趋势

    Present Situation , Problems and Trends of Adaptive Learning Support System

  9. 适应性学习系统是一种个别化的学习支持系统。

    Adaptive learning system is an individualized learning support system .

  10. 适应性学习系统中学习模型迁移方法的研究

    On Methods of Transfer as a Learning in the Adaptive Learning System

  11. 以案例教学为核心的适应性学习系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Case-Based Learning in Adaptive Learning

  12. 网络环境下适应性学习的活动设计研究

    On the Design of the Activities of the Adaptive Study on the Internet

  13. 适应性学习的学习者特征分析

    Analysis of the Learner 's Characteristics on Adaptable Learning

  14. 经济演化的市场选择和适应性学习研究

    Market Selection and Adaptive Study Research in Economics Evolution

  15. 因此,适应性学习机制是经济演化中一个更为重要的机制。

    Therefore , the study mechanism of adaptability plays a more important role in economy evolvement .

  16. 适应性学习的远程外语教学策略

    Distance FLT Strategy for Adaptability Study

  17. 在社会经济结构的演化过程中,演化动力在微观层级上主要表现为行为主体(组织)主动的适应性学习。

    In Micro level , the evolutionary dynamic is presented as agents '( organizations ') active learning .

  18. 基于语料库的适应性学习模式

    Corpus-based Adaptive Learning Model

  19. 本文结合“个性化课件生成系统”给出了一个组件化适应性学习支持系统的案例。

    It gives a case of componentized adaptive learning system based on Personalized Courseware Generation System in the paper .

  20. 教学模型以建构主义学习理论为指导,采用适应性学习以支持学生的学。

    Guided by constructivism learning theory , the pedagogical model used adaptive learning to support student 's " learning " .

  21. 适应性学习系统的核心特征是提供适合个别需求的学习内容与学习环境的支持。

    The compatible study system core characteristic is provides suits the individual demand the study content and the learning environment support .

  22. 适应性学习系统是针对个体学习过程中的差异而提供适合个体特征的学习支持系统。

    Adaptive learning system is a suitable learning support system which provides a learning process for individual differences in individual characteristics .

  23. 互联网出现后,研究者开始关注如何运用网络这个学习传递平台来实现个性化、适应性学习,以更好的为学习者服务。网络学习内容的适应性编列是实现网络适应性教学的关键所在。

    With the development of web , researchers are focusing on how to use the web to realize personalized / adaptive learning .

  24. 文中详细讨论了基于语料库的适应性学习模式的基本构架、实现方法和基本特征。

    In the present paper , the basic framework , design methods and characteristics of the CBAL model will be discussed in detail .

  25. 尽管有学者提出适应性学习理论,但将这一理论用于教学实践的研究却是微乎其微。

    Though some scholars have proposed the adaptable learning theory , nearly no attempt has been made in the study of its application in practice .

  26. 第二部分从建构主义学习理论、适应性学习理论和软件工程学理论三个方面论述课题研究的理论基础;

    The second part consists of the theoretical bases such as the constructivist learning theory , adaptive learning theory together with the software engineering theory .

  27. 学生通过设计的任务产生了接受性学习,在此基础上促进了适应性学习,并且激发了他们促进深层学习的认知能力。

    Students build on the adoptive learning taking place through assignments designed to promote adaptive learning and challenge their cognitive abilities resulting in deep learning .

  28. 教师应进行适应性学习,针对高教特点设计训练项目,注意有关教学策略的使用。

    The teacher should carry on adaptable study , design the training courses according to higher education characteristics , and use of relevant teaching tactics .

  29. 然而,怎样组织学习资源来满足随时随地按需学习和适应性学习成为一个接下来的问题。

    However , how to organize learning resources to satisfy the needs of anytime , anywhere , on demand and adaptive learning is an emerging problem .

  30. 个人、团队和组织之间知识的适应性学习是实现联盟系统演化过程中知识转化的基础。

    The adaptive learning of knowledge among individual , group and organization is the foundation of knowledge transformation during the process of realizing alliance system evolution .