
  • 网络flexible learning;Alternative Learning
  1. 弹性学习的成本可能比较大。

    The costs of implementing flexible learning may be very high .

  2. 弹性学习,全球化与后现代性:教育学、政治学与思维方式

    Flexible Learning , Globalisation and Post-modernity : Pedagogies , Politics and Ideologies

  3. 本文作者运用绩效动态分析方法对我国职业教育实施弹性学习制度问题进行了较深入的探讨。

    This paper discusses the elastic study in vocational education .

  4. 认知弹性学习理论是解决劣构知识学习的基础理论。

    Cognitive Flexibility Theory is a learning theory to master ill-structured knowledge .

  5. 弹性学习制度下职业学校的语文教学改革

    On Chinese Teaching Reforms in Vocational Schools under the Elastic Learning Systems

  6. 高校弹性学习制度研究

    The Study on the Flexible Learning System of Higher Schools

  7. 我国高职教育实施弹性学习制度研究

    The Flexible Study System in Higher Professional Education

  8. 弹性学习已成为世界高等教育改革的一种基本趋势。

    Flexible learning has already been a kind of basic trend of higher education worldwide .

  9. 推行弹性学习制度,已成为世界上许多国家高等教育政策的一个主题。

    Implementing the flexible learning system has become a topic of worldwide higher education policy .

  10. 弹性学习制度:一种培养学生创新精神和实践能力的保障机制

    Flexible Learning System : A System to Foster College Students ' Creativity and Practical Ability

  11. 弹性学习:机会、挑战与应对

    Flexible learning : opportunities and challenges

  12. 制度保障是中等职业学校顺利实施弹性学习制度并取得成效的关键。

    The guarantee system is key to smoothly implementing flexible learning system in secondary vocational school .

  13. 第四,改革中等职业学校固定学年制的传统管理体制,实行弹性学习制度,以满足人们多样化的职业教育需求。

    Lastly , to change the fix semester system , using elastic system to satisfy different vocational requirements .

  14. 弹性学习制度的施行为职业学校语文教学改革搭建了平台。

    The implementation of elastic learning system has set up a platform for practising Chinese teaching reforms in vocational schools .

  15. 弹性学习制度是高等学校在新形势下的必然选择,但其实施过程中存在着许多现实问题。

    Elastic-study system is an necessary choice for universities in the new situation but there exist many problems in its implementation .

  16. 三是学习时间发生了变化,由过去的硬性规定学习时间变成弹性学习时间,学员可以自己安排学习时间。

    The change of learning time from rigid timetables to flexible ones , so that students can arrange time by themselves .

  17. 将分层教学和弹性学习制度结合起来,开展选修教育,增加教育的弹性。

    Conbined level-teaching method with " flexibly study system " together , take elective course , it will increase the elasticity of education .

  18. 从国外高等教育的改革和发展来看,弹性学习已成为当今人才培养模式的一种主要选择;

    Flexible learning has become an important choice among the current models of cultivating talents through surveying the reform and development of overseas higher education ;

  19. 要通过构建培训券与“学分银行”对接的长效机制,为农民工培训在经费投入机制上与弹性学习机制上“保驾护航”。

    Setting up the long-term effective mechanism of the training coupon and " the credit bank ", can escort the financial and flexible mechanism of farmer training .

  20. 职业教育弹性学习制度探析建立与之相配套的政策与制度保障体系,可以最大限度地发挥弹性学习制度的育人功能和经济效应。

    Therefore , the policy and the ensuring system related with it must be set up so that the educational function and economic effects of elastic-study system can be given to full play .

  21. 弹性学习是当今人才培养模式的一种主要选择,它不仅是一种学习手段、方式的变化,而且代表一种教育理念的根本转变。

    Flexible learning has become one of the most important choices of the current models of cultivating talents , it reflects not only the changes of learning method and learning style , but also the basic transition of an educational concept .

  22. 弹性学习制度包括开放和灵活的入学制度、学生转系和转专业制度、完善的学分制、自助餐式的课程制度、弹性的学期制、学制的弹性化与评价的弹性化等。

    The Flexible learning system includes open and flexible enrollment system , the system of students'changing departments and changing majors , perfect credit system , curriculum system of cafeteria style , flexible semester system , the flexibility of school system and flexibility of evaluation .

  23. 卡罗琳•布塞纽斯(CarolineBussenius)是凯莱商学院战略管理硕士在线课程的一名学生,她运营着一家初创企业,需要弹性的学习时间。

    Caroline Bussenius , a student on the Kelley online masters of strategic management , runs a start-up business and needs flexibility .

  24. 采用相关分析、回归分析对高考复读生心理弹性及学习动机的关系进行了研究。

    The relationship between resilience and learning motivation was explored by relation analysis and regression analysis .

  25. 不过,我们知道,弹性可以学习,人们在咨询和治疗后能具有更强的弹性。

    Yet we know that it can be learned and that people can become more resilient as a result of counseling and therapy .

  26. 但在对课题学习、小结和阅读材料等有弹性的学习材料的使用上,存在差异。

    But there are differences in the using of some materials , such as " project learning ", " summarizations " and " reading material " .

  27. 在我访问期间,我听到了一些激动人心的故事,学生们利用这些弹性的学习模式来读取学位,这样他们便能踏上新的职业征途。

    During my visit , I heard inspiring stories of students who are taking advantage of these flexible learning models to pursue degrees that can put them on paths to new careers .

  28. 高职院校可以从课程体系的弹性、学习方式的弹性、选择专业的弹性、选择教师的弹性以及学制的弹性等方面着手,积极创造条件,努力拓展学分制的弹性。

    Higher vocational schools can develop the elasticity of the credit system from the aspects of developing the elasticity of the curriculum system , the elasticity of the way of study , the elasticity of specialty selection , the elasticity of selecting teachers and the length of schooling .

  29. 问题解决教学强调学习时间与学习组织的弹性化,学习内容决定学习时间,学生兴趣决定学习组织,(4)问题解决教学强调评价的周期性、合作性与灵活性。

    Teaching of problem solving put emphasized on flexing in learning and organizing .

  30. 高考复读生心理弹性及其与学习动机的关系

    The Resilience of Returnees from Senior High School Graduates and Its Relationship with Learning Motivation