
tán xìnɡ ɡōnɡ zuò zhì
  • flexitime;flexible work system
  1. 最近一份英国劳动力调查(LabourForceSurvey)显示,有将近1000万人有时或一直远程工作,另外,兰卡斯特大学(LancasterUniversity)2016年2月的一项研究发现,大约半数雇主计划在2017年年底前采用灵活或弹性工作制。

    According to a recent UK Labour Force Survey , nearly 10m people work remotely some or all of the time , and a study in February 2016 by Lancaster University found that about half of all employers planned to adopt agile or flexible working by 2017 .

  2. 高校图书馆实行弹性工作制的尝试与思考

    Practice and Thinking of the Flextime Working System in University Library

  3. 他们在讨论假期津贴和弹性工作制,

    and they were talking about holiday allowance and flexible working ,

  4. 你觉得最近的弹性工作制怎么样?

    How do you like your new flexible work in arrangement ?

  5. 问题8关于弹性工作制我们了解了什么?

    Question 8 . What do we know about flextime ?

  6. 工作时间:根据公司业务需求实行弹性工作制。

    Hours of Work : Flexible working schedule according to business requirement .

  7. 整体护理和弹性工作制在分娩室的试行效果

    Effect of Holistic Nursing Care and Flexible Working System in Labor Room

  8. 问题19为什么一些女性员工采用弹性工作制?

    Question 19 . Why do some women employees work flexible hours ?

  9. 然后就有关理论以及弹性工作制的相关文献进行综述。

    Then the relevant theory and literatures have been reviewed in this article .

  10. 图书馆弹性工作制浅议

    Discussion on the Flexible Time Work System in Library

  11. 实行弹性工作制后,该出版社的工作效率大为提高了

    The introduction of flexitime has greatly enhanced the work efficiency in that press

  12. 你的雇员中有多大一部分实行弹性工作制?

    What percentage of your staff is working flextime ?

  13. 弹性工作制让员工更健康?

    Do Flexible Work Conditions Make Healthier Employees ?

  14. 女:哦,那么你们有弹性工作制对吗?

    W : Oh , so you have the flextime system , do you ?

  15. 研究:弹性工作制有益于身体健康。

    Flexible work life good for your health .

  16. 改进现场施工组织,试行有限度的弹性工作制。

    Improving the construction organization in situ and trying a limited elastic working system .

  17. 第五章是希凯公司弹性工作制实施建议。

    Chapter ⅴ is about the implement suggestion of flexible working system in CKE .

  18. 而且随着越来越多的女性开始工作,弹性工作制给了她们更多的家庭时间。

    And as more women now work , it gives them more family time .

  19. 弹性工作制对缓解IT从业人员工作倦怠的作用

    The Role of Flexible Work Hours System on Alleviation of IT Employees ' Job Burnout

  20. 但他说,要评估弹性工作制的长期益处还需要开展进一步研究。

    But , he added , further research was needed to assess the long-term benefits .

  21. 本文编写了一个组织变革案例,内容是关于一个部门调整工作方式,实施弹性工作制的变革过程。

    The author compiles an organization change case about a department adjusting mode of working .

  22. 建立灵活的弹性工作制;

    Establishment of flexible system of work ;

  23. 在其他一些办公室,弹性工作制受到鼓励。办公桌轮用制非常盛行。

    At the others , flexible working was encouraged , and hot desking was rampant .

  24. 一条建议:提供弹性工作制。

    Here 's a suggestion : Make a flexible work schedule part of the deal .

  25. 的确,在当前这场衰退中,有更多的雇主开始利用弹性工作制来省钱。

    Indeed , in the current recession , more employers are using flexible setups to save money .

  26. 问题21关于女性弹性工作制问题调查人员有什么发现?

    Question 21 . What did the researchers find about the issue of women working flexible hours ?

  27. 无论怎样,在衰退期间保持弹性工作制都需要规划,还有运气。

    Either way , hanging onto a flexible work setup during a recession requires planning & and luck .

  28. 随着裁员风潮的蔓延,兼职者、享受弹性工作制的员工、以及电子通勤族担心自己会是首先被裁掉的。

    As layoffs spread , part-timers , flex-timers and telecommuters fear they 'll be the first to go .

  29. 弹性工作制;

    Flex job system ;

  30. 同时,鼓励适宜网上办公的企事业单位试行网上办公,适宜弹性工作制的企事业单位也可试行弹性工作制。

    The notice also encouraged institutions to handle business online if possible and arrange flex-time arrangements where feasible .