
tí chénɡ ɡōnɡ zī zhì
  • deduction wage system;system of deducting a percentage of profits for wage purposes
  1. 其主要构成为管理层的基本年薪制,普通员工的结构工资制及销售人员的提成工资制。

    Its main composition is the basic annual salary system for the management , structural salary system for ordinary employees and bonus system for sales person .

  2. 新的薪酬体系对经营者年薪制以及结构工资制进行了改进,以充分体现人力资本的价值;同时,提成工资制的出现也对企业员工具有较强的激励作用。

    The new pay system on the operator structure of the annual salary system and wage system has been improved in order to fully reflect the value of human capital ; same time , the commission on the emergence of wage employees with strong incentives .