
tóng gōng tóng chóu
  • equal pay for equal work;get the same pay for the same job;receive the same pay as others doing the same work
同工同酬 [tóng gōng tóng chóu]
  • [equal pay for equal work] 以工作质量及数量为标准计酬,而不管其种族、年龄、民族、性别等

同工同酬[tóng gōng tóng chóu]
  1. 男女同工同酬。

    Men and women enjoy equal pay for equal work .

  2. 他们常常由于自身遭受的歧视和背负的种种包袱而无法得到同工同酬的待遇;

    women who so often are subject to their own discrimination and burdens and not getting equal pay for equal work ;

  3. 狱警正要求与警察同工同酬。

    Prison officers are demanding pay parity with the police force .

  4. 她一直在设法再次展开同工同酬的辩论。

    She has been trying to revive the debate over equal pay .

  5. 所有兼职者应当像全职人员一样同工同酬。

    All part-timers should be paid the same , pro rata , as full-timers doing the same job .

  6. 还是男女同工同酬?

    or one where they earn equal pay for equal work ?

  7. 我们应该为女性争取同工同酬和带薪产假。

    We should fight for fair pay and paid family leave .

  8. 同工同酬是女权运动的一项要点。

    Equal pay for equal work is an important plank of feminism .

  9. 根据英国法律,男女同工同酬得到保证。

    Equal pay for men and women is guaranteed under English law .

  10. 法律要求同工同酬自1963年以来就已经存在。

    Laws requiring equal pay have been around since 1963 .

  11. 男女应该同工同酬。

    Equal compensation should be given to men and women for equal work .

  12. 姑娘们,参加工会,一齐要求同工同酬

    Join the union , girls , and together say Equal Pay for Equal Work

  13. 继续推行同工同酬及带薪休假,并提高最低工资水平。

    Equal pay for equal work , paid leave , raising the minimum wage .

  14. 同工同酬和带薪产假等等,这都是我一直在推动的事情。

    That 's why I 've been pushing for fair pay and paid leave .

  15. 公司应按照同工同酬的原则进行分配。

    The firm should distribute on the principle of equal pay for equal work .

  16. 没有一个国家实现了同工同酬。

    No country has reached parity on wages .

  17. 同工同酬法案禁止企业因为性别不同而采取不同的支付政策。

    The Equal Pay Act prohibits businesses from paying people differently because of their gender .

  18. 这里没有性别歧视,同工同酬。

    There is no sex discrimination here and people get equal pay for equal work .

  19. 人人有同工同酬的权利,不受任何歧视。

    Everyone , without any discrimination , has the right to equal pay for equal work .

  20. 招聘、留住最好的雇员要求公司要根据价值给予同工同酬,而不是根据性别。

    Hiring and retaining the best employees requires equal pay based on merit , not gender .

  21. 最大的谬误在于工作场所和同工同酬的概念。

    The principal fallacy centers on the workplace and concept of equal pay for equal work .

  22. 对于科技人才的竞争使得同工同酬成为行业的强制性要求。

    In other words , when forced due to supply and demand , we do lean in .

  23. 我们能否有医疗保障,支付大学学费,是否保证同工同酬。

    Whether we can get health care , afford college , be guaranteed equal pay-all at risk .

  24. 同工同酬法案未能把妇女的收入提高到同一水平。

    The equal pay act has failed to bring women 's earnings up to the same level .

  25. 男女同工同酬原则已基本得到实行。

    The principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women is basically in place .

  26. 所有的人,不分男女老少,一律同工同酬。

    All people , without reference to age or sex , get equal pay for equal work .

  27. 法案规定,无论员工是什么身份,雇主都必须做到同工同酬。

    It says employers must pay equally for the same work , regardless of workers ' status .

  28. 西方很多妇女不能同工同酬,这是不公平的。

    It 's unfair that many women in western countries do not earn equal pay for equal work .

  29. 即使在多数西方国家,妇女也不总是同工同酬的。

    Eg even in most Western countries , women do not always get equal pay for equal wok .

  30. 之后经过扩展,妇女也包括进去,自1935年起实施男女同工同酬。

    That was later expanded to include women , who from 1935 received equal pay for equal work .