
  1. 资本和智本的协同创新:同学经济对教育发展的借鉴

    Innovation in Combining Economic Capital with Intellectual Capital-Reference of Classmate-Relationship Economy to Educational Development

  2. 在弗吉尼亚,丹维尔联合大学今年不再对同学进行经济援助。

    In Virginia , Danville Community College began turning students away this year .

  3. 贫困大学生的社会支持状况低于非贫困大学生的社会支持状况,在朋友支持、家人支持、同学支持、经济支持、安慰关心方面尤为突出。

    The social support of impoverished undergraduates is lower than non-impoverished undergraduates , esp. in friend support , family support , classmate support and consolation and concern .

  4. 本周早些时候,我走访了佐治亚理工学院与一名同学谈论了新经济环境下高等教育的重要性,并介绍了我们为让高校学费更亲民所要做的事情。

    Earlier this week , I visited with students at Georgia Tech to talk about the importance of higher education in the new economy , and how we can make it more affordable .

  5. 大学生在急难状况时,家庭、朋友和同学是他们获得经济等实际支持和精神支持的最主要社会源,从学校和各种社会组织获得的支持相对较少。

    In case of emergency , college students mainly received economic support and mental support from their families , friends and classmates while received less support from various organizations both of colleges and society .

  6. 不幸的是,这样一来,这些同学们不仅减少了自己接受更多帮助的同时也剥夺了别的同学接受经济援助的机会。

    Unfortunately , the students not only diminished their chances of getting further help but also the chances of others getting financial help .