
  1. 他经济受窘。

    He is embarrassed financially .

  2. 他经济上的困难是由于胡乱花钱造成的。

    His financial embarrassment is consequent upon his careless spending .

  3. 这将解除他经济上的忧虑。

    This will liberate him from economic worry .

  4. 商战是他经济思想的核心,充满浓厚的实践色彩。

    " Comercial Fight " was the center of his economical thoughts which was very practical .

  5. 如根据医生的每项操作计算费用,你就给他经济激励进行过度治疗。

    Pay doctors for every procedure they do , and you give them a financial incentive to perform unnecessary treatments .

  6. 马克思独创历史唯物主义和剩余价值学说,而这两者的内在统一是他经济哲学思想的实质和特色。

    Marx initiated historical materialism and surplus value theory . The organic whole of them is the nature and feature of his economic philosophical ideology .

  7. 他相信经济确实在复苏吗?

    Does he believe the economy 's really on the mend ?

  8. 作为一名艺术家,他在经济上总是没有保障。

    As an artist he was always financially insecure .

  9. 他说经济状况并不是特别糟糕。

    The economy was not in such bad shape , he says .

  10. 几乎无人怀疑他整顿经济的能力。

    Few people doubt his ability to whip the economy into shape .

  11. 他对经济的管理不善使他失去了广大民众的支持。

    His economic mismanagement has lost him the support of the general public .

  12. 他说经济已经走向衰退。

    He says the economy has gone to seed

  13. 他预期经济萧条将见底。

    He expects the recession to bottom out

  14. 他抨击经济是治安状况不断恶化的根源。

    He targets the economy as the root cause of the deteriorating law and order situation .

  15. 他对经济改革作出了评论。

    He made comments on the economic reform .

  16. 他在经济上是独立的。

    He is economically independent .

  17. 他在经济上摆脱了对父母的依赖。

    He was freed from financial dependence on his parents .

  18. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)说,他看到经济闪现出“希望的微光”。

    Barack Obama says he has seen " glimmers of hope " for the economy .

  19. 奥巴马在乔治敦大学(georgetownuniversity)发表演讲时重申,他看到经济出现“希望的曙光”。

    In a speech at Georgetown University , Mr Obama reiterated that he detected " glimmers of hope " in the economy .

  20. 理查德安德森(richardanderson)以自己的名字在萨维街开办了公司,他发现经济会影响到西服的整体轮廓。

    Richard Anderson of the eponymous Savile row firm detects the influence of the economy on the silhouette of suits .

  21. 与约翰麦凯恩(johnmccain)不同,奥巴马从未夸耀他对经济的无知,但这位新总统对这些问题的了解程度并不比他的竞选对手多。

    Unlike John McCain , Mr Obama never boasted of his ignorance of economics but the new president is no more master of these issues than his former rival .

  22. 加入WTO后,国际贸易争端的数量增加,涉及到的领域扩大,卷入贸易争端的国家增多,且对国内及他国经济的影响也更大。

    After entering WTO , the number of international trade disputes is increasing , the field related is expanding , more and more countries are involved in trade disputes , and the influence of domestic economy and other countries ' is greater .

  23. 这种奢侈一定会使他陷入经济上的困境。

    Such extravagance will surely put him in Queer Street .

  24. 他在经济领域上很有名望。

    He is reputable in the fields of economics .

  25. 这一点在他对经济的管理上体现得尤为明显。

    Nowhere is this more obvious that in his stewardship of the economy .

  26. 他在经济最受压力及最具危险的期间主持了大局

    He presided over the economy during the period of its greatest stress and danger

  27. 给他点经济方面的补偿和其他的。

    Compensate him financially in any way possible .

  28. 每当他遇到经济困难时,他总是向父母求助。

    Whenever he runs into financial difficulties , he turns to his parents for help .

  29. 尽管如此,他对经济全面复苏的前景仍持谨慎态度。

    However , he was nonetheless cautious about the prospects for a full economic recovery .

  30. 阿披实聚精会神、眉头紧锁,开始阐述他关于经济的第二个观点。

    Frowning with concentration , Abhisit moves on to his second point about the economy .