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tā sè
  • allochromatic colour
他色[tā sè]
  1. 他色迷迷地瞅着她。

    He eyed her vulgarly .

  2. 他色迷迷地斜瞟一眼。

    He leered suggestively .

  3. 他色迷迷地看着那个性感的女人。

    He looked at the hot woman with bedroom eyes .

  4. 他色眼贪婪地对她笑了一下。

    He gave her a wolfish grin .

  5. 他用色迷迷的目光盯着她。

    He devoured her with his eyes , ie looked at her lustfully .

  6. 当然没有,我从不和像他这样色眯眯的人约会。

    Of course not . I can never go out with a flirting man like him .

  7. 他用色、声、香、味、触以及其它心所作为诱饵来诱惑佛陀,以及佛弟子。

    He uses forms , sounds , tastes , odors , tactile objects , and all kinds of mental objects as his bait to lure the Buddha and the Buddha 's disciples .

  8. 是我打的稿子,他上的色。

    I made the sketch ; he filled in the colours .

  9. 这是自1998年以来的首场罗思科作品大型回顾展,包括他鲜艳的色场(ColorField)帆布画。

    The first major retrospective of Rothko 's work since 1998 , featuring his luminous Color Field canvases divided into hovering rectangles .

  10. 汤姆挑选一件红衬衣,他喜欢红颜色。

    Tom picked a red shirt because he liked red .

  11. 他面带死色,年前就会死去。

    He 'll be gone before the year 's out .

  12. 他穿桔色上衣,褐色裤子,白靴子裳。

    He 's wearing an orange jacket , brown pants , and white boots .

  13. 他具有非常色的才能。

    He possessed a truly remarkable talent .

  14. 加萨雷表示他想观察色节奏模式是否可能会重新将病人已经损伤的大脑连接。

    Gazzaley says he wants to see if rhythmic patterns could potentially re-wire damaged connections in a patient 's brain .

  15. 女士们先生们有请我们的特别来宾他是翡翠色的航海达人

    Ladies and gentlemen , we have a very special guest for you ! He 's a green marine sailing machine .

  16. 张晓刚属于西南艺术家的一员,受到云南少数民族工艺的富丽色彩影响,发展了他独特用色方法。

    Zhang is among the group of famed artists active in Southwest China , and was influenced Yunnan 's ethnic colourful , and thus developed his unique way of colour application .

  17. 拿到最性感男性额头衔后的六年,这位演员在意大利奥特兰托依然用他那小麦色的胴体提醒着我们为什么他如此诱人。

    Six years after capturing the Sexiest Man Alive title , the actor reminds us just why he 's so irresistible , flaunting his sun-kissed torso during a dip in Otranto , Italy .

  18. 有人拉他的手,领他进了大马色。

    So they led him by the hand into Damascus .

  19. 他金黄的毛色,宛如夏日无暇的黎明。

    And his color was golden , like a perfect summer 's dawn .

  20. 接著,他便与大马色的信徒相交(九19)。

    Next he joined in fellowship with the Christians in Damascus ( 9:19 ) .

  21. 他那件咖啡色丝绒上装仿佛已经跟他结了不解之缘。

    His brown velvet jacket had become perennial .

  22. 我觉得他在连贯的色场中采取这样的做法是很高明的。

    I think it 's a particularly subtle thing to do in an unbroken color field .

  23. 她看到他晒成青铜色的脖子被浆硬的领子磨出的红印时差点笑了出来。

    She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck .

  24. 墙上一度挂擆幅他妻子的擆色照,但他把它取下了,因为看了斍嘚自己冭孤独了,它现在在屋角搁板上,在他的一件乾净衬衫下面。

    Once there had been a tinted photograph of his wife on the wall but he had taken it down because it made him too lonely to see it and it was on the shelf in the corner under his clean shirt .

  25. 她向他道歉时,他喜形於色。

    His face lightened as she apologized .

  26. 对保罗而言,他永难忘记他昔日在大马色路上遇见耶稣基督的那一刻。

    He could never forget that day on the road to Damascus when he met Jesus Christ .