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gān shè
  • interfere;interference;intervene;be connected (related) with;meddle;mess with;butt in
干涉 [gān shè]
  • (1) [interfere]∶过问别人的事或制止别人的行动

  • 不准干涉婚姻自由

  • (2) [be connected (related) with]∶关涉;关系

  • 二孝了无干涉

  • 他与老汉水米无交,并无干涉。--《水浒传》

干涉[gān shè]
  1. 我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。

    We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere .

  2. 这事明摆着是别人的家务事,她无权干涉。

    She had no right to interfere in what was plainly a family matter .

  3. 他无权干涉她的事情。

    He had no right to meddle in her affairs .

  4. 我们可能只好对这一地区进行军事干涉。

    We may have to intervene militarily in the area .

  5. 他们憎恶对他们国家内政的外来干涉。

    They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country .

  6. 中国对外国干涉正式提出了抗议。

    China has registered a protest over foreign intervention .

  7. 这次事件成了干涉那个地区的借口。

    The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area .

  8. 我绝不想干涉你的事,我只不过想给你一个忠告。

    Far be it from me to interfere in your affairs but I would like to give you just one piece of advice .

  9. 我希望大家都别再来干涉我,让我一个人静一静。

    I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone

  10. 政府加强对企业的干涉将是一种倒退。

    Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards .

  11. 他们不会欢迎任何来自警方的横加干涉。

    They wouldn 't welcome any officious interference from the police

  12. 联合国不能干涉任何国家的内政。

    The UN cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any country .

  13. 你是在干涉人们的宗教信仰,他们并不喜欢你的做法。

    You are messing with people 's religion and they don 't like that

  14. 议会形容此法令为对共和国内政的干涉。

    The parliament described the decree as interference in the republic 's internal affairs

  15. 总的来说,我认为不干涉政策是正确选择。

    Generally , I think the policy of non-intervention is the correct one .

  16. 他不想干涉别国内政。

    He does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of another country

  17. 很难想象她会喜欢被人过多地干涉。

    It is hard to imagine her taking kindly to too much interference .

  18. 任何来自外界的批评通常都被当作干涉而不予理睬。

    Any outside criticism is routinely dismissed as interference

  19. 在你看来似乎是施助的行为在别人眼中可能就会被解读成一种干涉。

    What may seem helpful behaviour to you can be construed as interference by others

  20. 总统借机猛烈抨击了被自己视为外国干涉的行为。

    The President took the opportunity to hit out at what he sees as foreign interference

  21. 联合国应该更多地进行干涉以阻止对人权的践踏和苦难的发生。

    The UN needs to become more interventionist to prevent human rights abuses and suffering .

  22. 该报做了大量工作,使得美国舆论倾向于支持干涉。

    The paper has done much to tilt American public opinion in favour of intervention .

  23. 他们正采取行动以阻止国家干涉诸如性教育之类的家庭问题。

    They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education .

  24. 人们说我们是在干涉自然界,还说我们应该任由动物死去。

    People said we were interfering with nature , and that we should just let the animals die

  25. 在过去,除非有国家提出请求,否则联合国不会干涉各国内政。

    In the past , the UN has stayed out of the internal affairs of countries unless invited in

  26. 两国一致同意正常邦交关系应建立在互不干涉内政的基础之上。

    Both countries agreed that normal relations would be based on non-interference in each other 's internal affairs .

  27. 中央情报局对干涉国外媒体的事情十分谨慎;过去此类干涉曾经起过适得其反的作用。

    The CIA was extremely wary of interfering with the foreign Press ; in the past , such interference had rebounded .

  28. 他总喜欢干涉别人的事。

    He is inclined to meddle in other people 's affairs .

  29. 别人一干涉,麻烦就来了。

    When others interfere , it always makes trouble .

  30. 这种行动构成对别国内政的干涉。

    These acts constitute an interference in the internal affairs of other countries .