
ɡān dá rén
  • Ganda
  1. 尽管乌干达人和尼日尔人的身髙在20世纪初呈增长趋势,但近年来,这一趋势发生了逆转,18岁人群的身高呈下降趋势。

    While height increased in Uganda and Niger during the early 20th century , the trend has reversed in recent years , with height decreasing among 18-year-olds .

  2. 这对多数的索马里人都是不好的消息,对乌干达人来说也不妙。

    This is bad news for most Somalis - and for Uganda .

  3. 在一个黑皮肤的肯尼亚人和一个黑皮肤的乌干达人之间存在的基因差异,

    Because there 's actually more genetic difference between a black Kenyan and a black Ugandan

  4. 许多乌干达人认为这项条款使应该避免的情况合法化。

    Many Ugandans see this term as making legal a situation they think should be avoided .

  5. 本周,坎帕拉发生爆炸,乌干达人埋葬了死者。

    Ugandans buried their dead this week after bombings that killed more than seventy people in Kampala .

  6. 义乌多数非洲人都是尼日利亚人或乌干达人,很少来自埃博拉疫区国家的人。

    Most Africans in Yiwu are Nigerians or Ugandans with few from Ebola zone countries , he says .

  7. 由于乌干达人使用的手机多数都只有语音通信和短信功能,因此这项计划将采用短信形式来发送信息。

    Since most cell phones in Uganda have only voice and SMS capabilities , the technology was built for SMS .

  8. 周一,总统约韦里·穆塞韦尼敦促乌干达人报道所有博拉病疑似案例,他还呼吁人们禁止身体接触甚至握手。

    On Monday , President Yoweri Museveni urged Ugandans to report all suspected cases of Ebola . He also urged people to limit their physical contact -- even shaking hands .