
  • 网络moor;Moros;moorish;the Moors
  1. 该城的声名与美丽基本上要归功于将它变成西班牙穆斯林之都的摩尔人。

    The city essentially owes its fame and beauty to the Moors who transformed it into the Muslim capital of Spain

  2. 你知道路上有场战门跟摩尔人?

    You knew that there was a battle with the moors ?

  3. 海边的摩尔人一阵轰动

    There was great excitement among the Moorish people at the waterside .

  4. 伊比利亚人,Tartessian,凯尔特人,腓基尼人,迦太基人,希腊人,罗马人,日尔曼人(Suevi和西哥特人)和摩尔人的文化都影响了这个国家。

    Iberian , Tartessian , Celtic , Phoenician and Carthaginian , Greek , Roman , Germanic ( Suevi and Visigoth ) and Moorish cultures have all made an imprint on the country .

  5. 他是个反抗摩尔人的战士!

    He " s the man who " s fighting moors !

  6. 如果你还不明白,她不是演的摩尔人。

    If you 're wondering , she did not play the moor .

  7. 还有别的处置摩尔人的方法吗?

    What other way is there to treat the moors ?

  8. 不需要摩尔人的长矛和弓箭。

    Stands not in need of Moorish spear or bow .

  9. 元老甲再会,勇敢的摩尔人!好好看顾苔丝狄蒙娜。

    First senator . adieu , brave moor , use Desdemona well .

  10. 许多摩尔人都出来看这些来自英国的异乡客。

    Many Moors came to see the strangers from England .

  11. 摩尔人建的各种各样的具有西班牙风格的堡垒或宫殿。

    Any of various Spanish fortresses or palaces built by the Moors .

  12. 西班牙人有摩尔人血统,而摩尔人就是摩洛哥人。

    Spaniards have Moorish blood and Moors are moroccans .

  13. 没多久这些船员就和摩尔人结为朋友。

    Soon the sailors and the Moors became friends .

  14. 西班牙各地都受到摩尔人的威胁。

    All Spain is threatened by the moors .

  15. 我提议让摩尔人试一试。

    I suggest you let the moor try .

  16. 以摩尔人海盗闻名的地中海北非海岸。

    The Mediterranean coast of North Africa that was famous for its Moorish pirates .

  17. 摩尔人杀死了夫人啦!

    The Moor hath kill 'd my mistress !

  18. 早在13世纪,古老的摩尔人的烹饪书籍中,就有天妇罗食谱的记载。

    Evidence lies in old Moorish cookbooks from the 13th century that feature tempura recipes .

  19. 1497年西班牙从摩尔人手中夺取了这两座城市,自此以后这两座城市一直处于西班牙的统治下。

    The towns were captured from the Moors in1497 and have been under Spanish rule since .

  20. 摩尔人就住在那儿。

    The Moors lived there .

  21. 羊毛编织的、上下一体且有头巾的斗篷;阿拉伯人和摩尔人穿的衣服。

    A long hooded cloak woven of wool in one piece ; worn by Arabs and Moors .

  22. 这儿有批上年纪的摩尔人,白须飘拂,身穿白长袍,头顶大风兜。

    Here are aged Moors with flowing white beards , and long white robes with vast cowls .

  23. 海边的摩尔人一阵轰动。我们在巴尔的摩抛锚。

    There was great excitement among the Moorish people at the waterside . We anchored at Baltimore .

  24. 托莱多以前是罗马天主教徒和西班牙穆斯林摩尔人共同的圣城。

    Toledo was a holy city for both the Roman Catholics and the Muslim Moors of Spain .

  25. 从小镇山顶上摩尔人留下的城堡俯瞰全镇。

    A view of Badajoz from the castle built by the moors on the top of the hill .

  26. 不,不是你主导这场戏,是那摩尔人。

    No , you 're not in charge of this part of the scene , the moor is .

  27. 摩尔人一群由柏柏尔人和阿拉伯人后裔混合组成的穆斯林人,现在主要居住于非洲西北部。

    A member of a Moslem people of mixed Berber and Arab descent , now living chiefly in Northwest africa .

  28. 今日的格拉纳达依然可见摩尔人的影响,但说起来,这些影响大多只是旅游业的点缀而已。

    Moorish influences can still be observed in Granada today , but they are now more of a touristy kind .

  29. 信奉天主教的西班牙人在逐出犹太人和摩尔人后,统一了教会,在精神上获得了安全感。

    Catholic Spain had , by expelling its Jews and Moers , achieved the spiritual security of a united church .

  30. 海边的这片土地很贫瘠。海边的摩尔人一阵轰动。

    The land is barren on the coast . There was great excitement among the Moorish people at the waterside .