
  • 网络mosul;Mosul , Iraq;Mossoul;Mossul
  1. CNN获得了一些无人机拍摄的独家照片,这些照片说明了摩苏尔西部地区前线的破坏情况。

    These exclusive drone pictures obtained by CNN show the scale of destruction on the frontlines of western Mosul .

  2. 异见者称ISIS急于向人们展示其控制下的伊拉克摩苏尔和叙利亚拉卡市的生活一往如常,《每日星报》报道。

    Dissidents revealed that the regime is desperate to portray life as normalunder ISIS in Mosul , Iraq and Raqqa , Syria , according to the Daily Star .

  3. 在摩苏尔这座城市被解放之后,这名ISIS分子试图逃离这一曾经的军事据点,但是他的逃跑计划似乎不太奏效。

    The ISIS fighter was trying to get away from the former militant stronghold as the city was recaptured , but didn 't quite get his escape plan right .

  4. 塔阿法(TalAfar)是大量土库曼人的居住地,他们与伊拉克逊尼派阿拉伯人均与基尔库克和摩苏尔相邻。近年来双方关系一度紧张。

    Tal Afar is home to a large population of ethnic Turkmens , whose relations with Iraq 's sunni Arabs , in both neighboring Kirkuk and Mosul , have been in recent years .

  5. 当年的撒马尔罕(Samarkand),摩苏尔(Mosul)和梅尔夫(Merv)等伟大城市拥有大量富裕的精英,这提供了巨大的商机。

    The great cities such as Samarkand , Mosul and Merv offered great commercial opportunities , thanks to their large , rich elites .

  6. 如果可以针对作战人员展开目标明确的打击行动,也就不必进行无差别的狂轰滥炸,从而可以避免费卢杰(Falluja)或最近摩苏尔(Mosul)发生的那种惨剧。

    Targeted strikes against militants would obviate the need for indiscriminate bombing of the kind seen in Falluja or , more recently , Mosul .

  7. 摩苏尔旧城曾经房屋密布、小巷众多,但是经过和ISIS长达数月的战争之后,这里已经成为了一片废墟。

    Mosul 's Old City , which once stood as a neighborhood of densely built alleyways and homes on winding lanes , has been reduced to rubble by a months-long war to root out the Islamic State .

  8. 然而,石油巨擘疏散员工的举动表明,Isis的快速军事推进以及伊拉克军队在摩苏尔等地的溃败,已开始改变在伊拉克南部开展业务的西方石油公司的计划。

    However , the evacuations show how Isis 's rapid military advance and the collapse of the Iraqi army in places like Mosul have started to change the calculus for western oil companies active in the south .

  9. 在Sinjar,摩苏尔以西,一些Yazidis人,他们在那儿占据人口多数,说库尔德人想强迫他们为库尔德候选名单投票。

    In Sinjar , west of Mosul , some Yazidis , who predominate there , say the Kurds want to force them to vote for the Kurdish list .

  10. 一个礼拜之后我的部队被派往摩苏尔(伊拉克北部城市)

    A week later , my unit shipped off to Mosul ,

  11. 有一天,我们随他去摩苏尔

    One day , we were accompanying him to Mosul

  12. 位于摩苏尔的地区办公室现在已在临时司令部里完全投入运作。

    The regional office in Mosul is now fully operational at its temporary headquarters .

  13. 上周末,一名美国士兵在摩苏尔巡查时死亡。

    Over the weekend , a U.S. soldier died while on patrol in Mosul .

  14. 本周发生在摩苏尔的骇人听闻的袭击使我想起那些很久以前的日子。

    This week 's hideous attack in Mosul reminded me of those long ago days .

  15. 爆炸发生在摩苏尔附近的北部城镇塔拉法。

    It happened in the northern Iraqi town of Tal Afar , near the city of Mosul .

  16. 伊拉克北部,数十万人逃离摩苏尔前往库尔德人地区。

    Im Norden des Irak fliehen Hunderttausende aus der Stadt Mossul in die kurdischen Gebiete des Landes .

  17. 上周日,这群武装分子还攻克了摩苏尔以西、拥有大约20万人口的小城泰勒阿费尔。

    On Sunday it also seized Tal Afar , a town of about 200,000 people west of Mosul .

  18. 巴士拉、巴格达、杜胡克、摩苏尔和提克里特的病例数保持稳定不变。

    The numbers of cases are remaining stable in Basra , Baghdad , Dahuk , Mosul and Tikrit .

  19. 卢特法拉是两年来在摩苏尔被枪手打死的第二名美联社电视摄像记者。

    Lutfalla is the second AP television news cameraman to be killed in Mosul in the last two years .

  20. 如果水坝被炸开,可能摧毁伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔,淹没伊拉克首都巴格达。

    If broken , the dam would destroy the northern city of Mosul and flood the capital , Baghdad .

  21. 昨天在巴格达和摩苏尔多次爆炸中至少有7人死亡,16人受伤。

    Yesterday at least seven people were killed and 16 others wounded by multiple bombings in Baghdad and Mosul .

  22. 这些武器中有大部分都是他们在伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔获得的美国武器,伊拉克军队从那里撤离了。

    Many were U.S. weapons , seized in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul , where Iraqi forces fled .

  23. 这是备受穆斯林和基督教徒尊敬的历史古迹被炸毁的声音,这一历史古迹位于摩苏尔市。

    That 's the sound of this historic site revered by Muslims and Christians being blown up in Mosul .

  24. 去年10月,伊拉克军队以及美军支持的国际部队发起收复摩苏尔之战。

    Iraqi and international forces , supported by U.S. troops , launched an effort to retake the city last October .

  25. 警方表示,袭击发生在北部城市摩苏尔附近,武装分子在这里设立了伪装安全检查站。

    Police say the attack took place near the northern city of Mosul where militants set up a fake security checkpoint .

  26. 伊拉克摩苏尔警局遭汽车炸弹袭击,至少12人丧生。

    At least a dozen people were killed in a car bomb attack in a police station in Mosul , Iraq .

  27. 在北部城市摩苏尔,一名自杀式袭击者引爆了附近的国家和库尔德部队把守的一个检查站的车。

    In the northern city Mosul , a suicide bomber exploded a car near a checkpoint guarded by national and Kurdish forces .

  28. 库尔德部队控制了伊拉克摩苏尔大坝的大部分地区,并发誓要继续同伊斯兰武装对抗。

    Kurdish forces are now taking over large parts of Iraq 's Mosul dam , and vow to continue fighting Islamic militants .

  29. 他说,许多敌方战斗人员被从摩苏尔等城市赶走,目前正企图在乡村地区重新集结。

    He says many combatants have been forced from cities like Mosul and are now attempting to regroup in villages and rural areas .

  30. 伊拉克军队已经切断通往摩苏尔的主要道路,防止激进分子把武器和汽车炸弹运进摩苏尔。

    The military has closed off main roads leading to Mosul to prevent militants from smuggling weapons and car bombs into the city .