
  1. 该研究所根据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)提供的数据,同时对平均周薪进行分析发现,不管是何种教育背景,111个职业中的107个职业存在同工不同酬现象。

    The wage differences exist across 107 of 111 occupations , regardless of education , according to the Institute , which based its conclusions on an analysis of median weekly wage data from the Bureau of labor statistics .

  2. 那肯定是男人对为什么同工不同酬所给的主要理由。

    That 's certainly the main reason given by men for unequal pay .

  3. 此外,在微观层面,同工不同酬的危害也是多方面的。

    In addition , at the micro level , unequal pay for equal hazards are multi-faceted .

  4. 美国妇女与男子同工不同酬问题研究(20世纪60-70年代)

    A Study on Unequal Pay for Equal Work between Men and Women in the United States ( 1960s-1970s );

  5. 工人们抗议同工不同酬,以及临时通知他们中的一些人转到另外一家工厂。

    The workers protested over differences in base wages and over the planned transfer of some workers to another plant at short notice .

  6. 她们要继续战斗,给残敌以沉重打击:这些敌人包括那些让男女同工不同酬的业主;

    They want to get on with dealing the most humiliating defeat upon the remaining enemy : foes such as those employers who pay women less than comparable men ;

  7. 与南京市在岗职工相比,新生代农民工工资收入低,同工不同酬的现象普遍存在。

    Compared with the staff on the job in Nanjing , they are paid less , that is , the phenomenon of " same job , different pay " .

  8. 其中,分配不公、同工不同酬的现象在电力企业中普遍存在,严重影响了一部分员工的工作热情和积极性。

    The phenomenon of unfair distribution and the unequal pay for equal work is widespread in electric power enterprise , which seriously affected a part of staffs ' enthusiasm and motivation .

  9. 医院中同工不同酬的情况普遍存在,实行的绩效评价无法有效地发挥应有作用,以发展员工对组织贡献的忠诚。

    Widespread instances of unequal wages in hospitals , the implementation of the performance evaluation cannot effectively play its role to contribute to the development of staff loyalty to the organization .

  10. 数不尽的世代以来,渺渺苍天曾为我同胞们洒下多少同情之泪。美国妇女与男子同工不同酬问题研究(20世纪60-70年代)

    Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold . A Study on Unequal Pay for Equal Work between Men and Women in the United States ( 1960s-1970s );

  11. 大卫和我干同样的活,为什么同工不同酬?美国妇女与男子同工不同酬问题研究(20世纪60-70年代)

    I 'm doing the same job as David . I 'm wandering why we get different pay . A Study on Unequal Pay for Equal Work between Men and Women in the United States ( 1960s-1970s );

  12. 这不仅是封建传宗接代的生育观,还因为农村中男女平等的问题没有根本解决,同工不同酬

    " This is not only because they still have a feudal viewpoint of having sons as their heirs , But also because men and women are not really equal in the countryside for they don 't get the equal pay when doing the same work "