
  • empathy;compassion;Empathetic
  1. 现在很少有人教育孩子们同理心的价值。

    Few people today educate the children about the value of empathy ( ; ) .

  2. 尽管学历证书很重要,但TeachFirst也希望培养谦逊、尊敬他人和同理心等个人品质。

    While academic credentials are important , Teach First also looks for personal skills such as humility , respect and empathy .

  3. 或许,这正是Facebook组建一个专职同理心团队想做的事情。

    Perhaps this is what Facebook is trying to do in having a special empathy team .

  4. LadyGeek同理心指数排行榜(完整名单):

    The Lady Geek Empathy Index ( full list ) :

  5. 领英(LinkedIn)在第一次同理心指数排名中名列榜首(本次排第17位)。

    LinkedIn was the first index 's number one ( and is now number 17 ) .

  6. 中文版Jefferson同理心量表编制及护理人员同理心现状的调查研究

    The Development of the Chinese Version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy and Investigation for Empathy of Nurses

  7. 近期刊登在《发展心理学》(DevelopmentalPsychology)上一项为期六年的研究显示,女孩的认知同理心(即站在他人立场思考的心理能力)从13岁开始稳步增强。

    ' Cognitive empathy , ' or the mental ability to take others ' perspective , begins rising steadily in girls at age 13 , according to a six-year study published recently in Developmental Psychology .

  8. 房间预订网站Breather的首席执行官、《影响力方程式》(TheImpactEquation)的作者朱利恩史密斯(JulienSmith)表示,在社交媒体上表现同理心的秘诀,就是表现得像一个真实的人。

    Julien Smith , chief executive of Breather , the room booking website , and author of The Impact Equation , says the trick to empathy on social media is to come across as human .

  9. 实际上,同理心指数排名底端有瑞安航空(Ryanair)和Abercrombie&Fitch等大量公司。

    Indeed , there is a whole raft of companies such as Ryanair and Abercrombie & Fitch that sit at the bottom of the empathy barrel .

  10. 此外,马里兰州哥伦比亚(Columbia)的心理学家、作家和演说家布拉德?萨克斯(BradSachs)表示,一些青少年显出一副冷漠的样子,其实可能是因为他们在努力避免被自己的同理心征服。

    Also , some teens may appear insensitive because they 're actually struggling to avoid being overwhelmed by their own feelings of empathy , says Brad Sachs , Columbia , Md. , a psychologist , author and speaker . '

  11. 乌特勒支大学青少年研究中心的博士生卡斯帕?范利萨(CasparVanLissa)即将发表的一项研究显示,儿童时期的情感同理心能够预测青少年时期的认知同理心水平。

    children 's affective empathy predicts their level of cognitive empathy as teens , says a forthcoming study by Caspar Van Lissa , a doctoral candidate at Utrecht 's adolescent-research center .

  12. 马里兰州日耳曼敦(Germantown)的苏珊?布尔金肖(SusanBurkinshaw)的两个儿子一个16岁,一个18岁,她从儿子蹒跚学步时就开始努力培养他们的同理心,鼓励他们考虑他人的感受。

    Susan Burkinshaw has tried to cultivate empathy in her two teenage sons , 16 and 18 , since they were toddlers , encouraging them to think about others ' feelings .

  13. 一些服用SSRI的人也曾透露,其他许多人之常情也减少了,诸如同理心、恼火、悲伤、性梦、创造力、愤怒、哀痛、担忧,以及自身情绪的表达。

    Some people on S.S.R.I.s have also reported less of many other human traits : empathy , irritation , sadness , erotic dreaming , creativity , anger , expression of their feelings , mourning and worry .

  14. 然而,即使在同理心方面有了污名,也可以洗心革面。

    However , you can also bounce back from empathetic ignominy .

  15. 同理心的触动是“不证自明的真理”的基石。

    Sparking empathy had become the backbone of Self Evident Truths .

  16. 换言之,他是一个没有情感和同理心的人。

    In other words , he neither has emotions nor empathy .

  17. 同理心:心理咨询与治疗关系中的特质概念

    Empathy : Special concept in the association between psychological counseling and therapy

  18. 生理上更成熟的男孩比其他男孩的同理心要弱。

    Boys who were more mature physically showed less empathy than others .

  19. 缺乏同理心,口若悬河,狡猾,控制欲强

    the lack of empathy , the glibness , cunning , manipulative .

  20. 同理心倾听必须是我们演讲会会员的目标。

    Empathic listening ought to be our goal as Toastmasters .

  21. 具有同理心的公司跟客户的关系更融洽,这一点或许是显而易见的。

    It may seem obvious that empathetic companies do better with customers .

  22. 女孩的情感同理心在整个青春期都会稳定在较高的水平。

    Girls ' affective empathy remains relatively high and stable through adolescence .

  23. 目的探讨认知行为技术训练对护士同理心水平的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of cognitive behavioral training on nurses empathy .

  24. 典型精神病患者——这证明了浮夸和缺乏同理心

    Classic psychopath -- it speaks to grandiosity and also lack of empathy .

  25. 她所在实验室的初步研究还暗示,认知同理心在青春期有所增强。

    Preliminary research in her lab also suggests cognitive empathy rises in teens .

  26. 悲剧事件中政治同理心是通过拥抱来衡量的。

    Political empathy in tragedy is measured in hugs .

  27. 用更多的片刻来感受爱、同理心以及宽恕的力量。

    Having more moments of feeling loving , compassionate , and forgiving of others .

  28. 同理心就是将你的痛放在我的心里。

    Empathy is your pain in my heart .

  29. 也有一些企业破坏了自己来之不易的同理心形象的残酷例子。

    There are also stark examples of businesses that have destroyed their hard-won empathy .

  30. 直到不久前,大众还是一家在同理心方面表现突出的公司。

    VW was , until recently , a company that did empathy pretty well .