
  • 网络Physical Ability
  1. 通过提高老年人群的健康水平和体质能力为主的综合措施可以预防和控制老年人在锻炼中发生风险;

    Groups by raising the level of health and fitness for older persons ability-based integrated measures to prevent and control the risk of older persons in the exercise occurred ;

  2. 运用多元统计分析中的典型相关分析方法,借助于DPS数据处理系统对接受测试的20名成员的测试数据进行了分析,给出了人的体质与运动能力之间的关系。

    In the paper we analyse twenty members'tested data using DPS data processing system and give the relation between constitution and sports ability through canonical correlation analysis in multivariate statistical analysis .

  3. 篮球运动对我市中年男性体质和运动能力的影响

    The Influence of Basketball Exercise on Physique and Motor Ability of Middle-Aged Men in City

  4. 小儿麻痹后遗症学生的体质与运动能力均比正常学生差,因此,研究一种适应小儿麻痹后遗症学生健身训练、防止肌肉继续萎缩的运动处方非常重要。

    As the constitution and exercise performances of infantile paralysis students are poorer than those of the normal students , it is important to seek an exercise prescription for physical fitness activities of infantile paralysis students and prevent further muscular atrophy .

  5. 高校体育教育的任务是增强体质、培养能力,现代社会发展需要高校体育教育与之相适应,为社会培养具备多方面体育能力的大学生。

    The task of PE in colleges and university is to build up students ' health and develop their ability . The development of modern society requires that PE in colleges and universities keep pace with it , and bring up undergraduate with various physical quality .

  6. 太极拳运动对弱体质老年人移动能力的影响

    Influence of Taijiquan Exercise on Mobility Ability of Fragile Elder People

  7. 益气解毒法对力竭性游泳所致气虚体质状态小鼠运动能力及免疫功能的影响

    Effect of Qi-Boosting and Toxin Resolving Method on Swimming Ability and Immune Function Among the Mice with a Constitutional Status of Qi Deficiency Induced by Exhaustive Swimming Exercising

  8. 贯彻以增强体质、提高体育能力为主的课程目标体系,应有一个可操作、能考核、客观、适宜、具体的实施方式和方法。

    To carry out a course goal system that aims at improving health and sports ability , a practicable , examinable , impersonal , suitable and concrete way should be used .

  9. 各年龄组中,高体脂学生的体质状况及运动能力与体脂正常学生比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    There was statistical significance of physical constitution and athletic ability between the students with high body fat and the normal ones ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 临床观察结果发现,针灸对本病具有改善症状、延缓病程、减少抗帕金森病药物用量、减轻药物副作用及增强体质、提高抗病能力等作用。

    Using these combined therapies , can result in the relief of symptoms , decreased dosage and side effects of western medicine , a delay in the advance of the disease , tonifying of the constitution and enhancing resistance of the body .

  11. 耐力素质是身体素质的一个重要组成部分,也是人们通常用来评定体质状况健康水平及运动能力的一个重要内容,特别是在体育教学和运动训练中,直接关系着学生的体质和运动能力。

    Endurance is a major factor of physical qualifications , with which sports ability and health level are always evaluated .