
  • 网络Sports Insurance
  1. 加入WTO后中国体育保险市场机制变化研究

    Research on the Mechanism of China Sports Insurance Market after Entering WTO

  2. 在中国加入WTO后,先进体育保险组织进入中国体育保险市场的进程明显加快。

    After China entering WTO , advance sports insurance companies enter China sports insurance market speed quickly .

  3. 体育保险立法的必要性及现实性意义

    On the necessity of sports insurance legislation and its practical significance

  4. 2008&北京奥运会体育保险展望

    The Prospect of Sports Insurance of 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing

  5. 体育保险在我国的缘起与发展策略

    Origin of sports insurance in China and its developing strategy

  6. 北京奥运与中国体育保险的发展

    The Beijing Olympic Games and the development of China 's sports insurance

  7. 我国体育保险经纪发展的思考

    Reflection About Development of Sports Insurance Broker in Our Country

  8. 旅游保险、体育保险、会展保险将迅速发展。

    The insurance of travel , sports and exhibition will develop quickly .

  9. 中日体育保险之比较研究

    A Brief Comparative Study of Physical Education Insurance in China and Japan

  10. 说明新疆高校体育保险市场存在很大需求。

    Xinjiang universities sports insurance market that there was a big demand .

  11. 对开展2008年奥运会体育保险的思考

    Consideration on sports insurance for the 2008 Olympic games

  12. 日本学校体育保险的法律基础

    Legal foundation of sports insurance for schools in Japan

  13. 体育保险的发展离不开专业的中介组织&体育保险经纪公司;体育保险应采取市场化的运作方式,提供全方位的保险服务;

    Professional sports insurance brokers are necessary to the development of sports insurance ;

  14. 我国体育保险政策运行机制探讨

    Research on Sports Insurance Policy Circulates Mechanism in China

  15. 对我国学校体育保险的现状与发展的思考

    Thought about the Present Conditions and Development of School Sports Ensurance in Our Country

  16. 后奥运时代我国体育保险市场体系的构建

    Research on after Olympic Games Time China Sports Insurance Market System ′ s Construction

  17. 体育保险在我国的出现及其发展方向

    The Emergence and Development Tendency of Sports Insurance

  18. 国际体育保险体系的比较及其对我国的启示

    Comparison of international sports insurance systems and enlightenment

  19. 我国体育保险的问题及对策分析

    Problems and countermeasures of the Chinese sports insurance

  20. 最后提出体育保险经纪在中国的发展前景。

    And finally it raised some prospective points of sport insurance agency in China .

  21. 完善我国竞技体育保险制度的对策研究

    Countermeasure Thinking about Perfecting Sport Insurance System

  22. 体育保险之中外比较与我国的发展对策

    Comparison on Sports Insurance and our Countermeasure

  23. 体育保险中介与我国体育保险业的发展

    The Role of Insurance Intermediary Agent and the Development of the Sports Insurance in China

  24. 美国体育保险的研究

    The Study on Sports Insurance in America

  25. 北京奥运会的成功申办,给我国的体育保险业带来了巨大的机遇和发展。

    The Beijing Olympic Games brings China great opportunities and development in sports insurance industry .

  26. 体育保险欺诈问题的对策研究

    Research on Cheating in Sports Insurance

  27. 尽快解决资金来源问题,为体育保险的发展提供坚强后盾。

    Solve the problem of fund resource to provide solid foundation for the sports insurance development .

  28. 体育保险意识薄弱,旧的管理体制制约了商业化保险在体育领域的推行。

    Frail sense of sports insurance .

  29. 加强对我国学校体育保险机制的研究与探讨,能够有效地迎合我国学校体育活动的开展。

    The emphasized discussion of school physical education insurance mechanism can effectively meet our school sports activities .

  30. 学校体育保险是体育保险的分支,是面向学校、面向学生群体的专项保险。

    School sports insurance Sports Insurance branch , is for schools , special insurance for the student groups .