
tuán tǐ bǎo xiǎn
  • group insurance
  1. 随着WTO后,中国保险市场更加放开,保险供求关系的根本性转变使团体保险直接面对全球化竞争。

    For the time of being an official member of WTO , the insurance market has opened to the world more . At the same time the radical change of the relation between insurance supply and demand has made group insurance face the global competition directly .

  2. 近年来我国团体保险面临发展困境。

    Group insurance business has been facing with a difficult situation in recent years .

  3. 人寿团体保险洗钱风险及监管对策研究

    Study on the Risk and Resolutions of Money-Laundering of Group Life Insurance

  4. 保险业务中的计量问题论我国团体保险的发展

    On Development of Group Insurance in China

  5. 重组平安人寿团体保险在业务销售、客户支持与服务上的作业流程;

    Pingan Life group insurance reorganization in marketing , customer support and services , operational procedures ;

  6. 团体保险争议的诉讼处理&兼论团体养老保险合同的解除

    The Action for the Disputes in Group Insurance & on the Cancellation of Group Endowment Insurance Contract

  7. 针对以上目标本文进一步提出了平安人寿团体保险客户关系管理的改进方案与措施。

    In light of these problems , this made Green Life group insurance relationship management improvement programmes and measures .

  8. 本文首先阐述了学生团体保险研究的背景、意义和方法,从教育、经济和法律的角度分析了学生团体保险的环境和需求;

    The paper fist expounds the background , significance and means of the research of the students ' group insurance .

  9. 自我国恢复保险业务以来,团体保险业务一直是保险业务中最重要的组成部分。

    Since we have restored the domestic insurance service , the group insurance is always the primary service of life insurance .

  10. 贵公司有否提供任何的保险福利,例如公积金、退休计划、团体保险或医疗计划?

    Does your company provide you any insurance benefits such as accumulation fund , pension scheme , group insurance or medical plans ?

  11. 团体保险市场作为保险市场的重要组成部分,有着巨大的市场空间,众多保险公司都在积极酝酿这一市场的争夺。

    As an important part of insurance market , group insurance market has high potential . Lots of insurers are preparing to enter the competition .

  12. 团体保险不同于普通人身保险之处就在于被保险人的多数性,故在团体保险中必须创制合理的制度保护被保险人的合法权益。

    Group insurance differs from personal insurance in the number of insurants , so reasonable institution should be created to protect the legal rights of the insured .

  13. 发达国家的经验表明,团体保险已成为现代员工福利计划的最重要的保障方式之一。

    The existing experience in developed countries has proved that group insurance has become currently the most effective way to realize the welfare plan of modern employees .

  14. 而鉴于我国目前金融体系的不完善,商业团体保险将成为员工福利计划的重要组成部分。

    What I will do is to make clear the development history of employee benefit plans and its relationship with commercial life insurance especially group life insurance .

  15. 分析发现平安人寿团体保险客户关系管理中存在着管理目标偏差、管理缺乏有效策略、管理系统有待完善等问题。

    Life insurance group analysis found safe management relations exist between management objectives , the lack of effective management strategies , such as management systems to be perfect .

  16. 本文阐述了团体保险定价,提出了一种新的定价方法,改进了传统的资产份额保险定价法,并将其应用到具体实例中。

    This article elaborated the pricing of insurance , proposed a new pricing method , improved asset share pricing method , and applies it in a concrete example .

  17. 盈利增加是因为个人保险及个人理财业务边际溢利上升所致,但由于团体保险之长期伤残理赔表现未如理想,抵销部分的盈利收入。

    The increased earnings were driven by improved margins in individual insurance and individual wealth management businesses partially offset by less favourable long-term disability claims results in group benefits .

  18. 如今,公司又将向广大的团体保险客户提供优质的服务,为我们的企业客户度身定制寿险、医疗险以及意外险方面的保障计划。

    Now , PALIC will provide its high-quality services to group insurance customers , offering an array of tailor-made life , medical , and accidental insurance-solutions to corporate customers .

  19. 其次解释了何为团体保险承保风险,并详细列举了其主要表现形式,阐述了忽视承保风险管理所产生的严重后果。

    Secondly , explains what is underwriting risk of group insurance , itemizes their main representation , states the generated serious consequences due to ignoring the underwriting risk management .

  20. 团体保险是我国寿险事业的重要组成部分,是构成寿险这套马车的两个轮子中的一个。

    Group Insurance is an important component of the life insurance , and is one of the two wheels of a set of horse-drawn vehicle , which constitute life insurance .

  21. 从美国两个典型的判例产生的“代理”规则和“通知-损害”规则的分析中,我们可以得出团体保险中这两个规则适用的许多启示。

    The paper focuses on the " agency rule " and the " notice-prejudice rule " derived from the precedents , and then argues the practice of the two rules .

  22. 本文从我国团体保险业务的发展历史出发,介绍了中国团体保险市场发展的现状,特别指出,近几年来,随着个人寿险业务的快速发展,团体保险业务相对萎缩。

    In recent years , the domestic individual life insurance marketing service development is very quick , and the group insurance service then is at the condition that withers relatively .

  23. 大学生团体保险因具有费率低,管理成本小和风险易于控制等优点,受到学校、家庭和社会的认可。

    College students ' group insurance is recognized by the school , family and society because of its low rate , small management cost , easy control of risk and other advantages .

  24. 因团体保险中成员资格引起的诉讼,传统认为属于承保范围,不可抗辩条款对此不能适用,但有案例认可适用不可抗辩条款。

    The litigation caused by the membership in group insurance , which in the traditional view belong to the scope of insurance coverage , incontestable clause can not apply . But there are case has be recognized by the clause .

  25. 随着社会保障制度改革和企业改革的进一步深入,对团体保险的需求激增,中国的团体保险业务需要功能全面、流程灵活的信息系统进行管理。

    With the social security Institution reform and the further deepening of enterprise reform , the surge in demand for group life insurance , group life insurance business in China need to fully functional , process management and flexible information systems .

  26. 平安保险公司团体健康保险产品策略研究

    The Study of Products Strategy of Group Health Insurance of PICA

  27. 第二章:团体年金保险责任准备金的评估基础。

    Chapter 2 : Valuation Basis for Group Annuity .

  28. 我国团体年金保险的风险分析及风险控制

    Risk Analysis and Control on Group Annuity

  29. 同样必要的是,创造各种途径,让人们在工作场所以外也能获得团体健康保险。

    So is creating ways for people to access group health coverage outside the workplace .

  30. 品牌化目标强调通过差异化的产品和服务,塑造团体健康保险的品牌形象。

    Brand goal emphasize through products and service of difference , mould group brand image of health insurance .